How To Make A Div Only As Wide As Its Contents?


Problem: Making a Div Width Match Its Contents

Creating a div that's only as wide as its contents can be tricky in HTML and CSS. Block-level elements like divs normally expand to the full width of their container, which may not be the layout you want.

Solution: Using Display Inline-Block

Implementing the CSS Property

To make a div element only as wide as its contents, use the CSS property display: inline-block. This approach works well for many layouts.

To implement this solution, add this CSS to your div:

div {
    display: inline-block;

How It Affects Div Behavior

When you set display: inline-block on a div, it changes the element's behavior:

  1. Width: The div shrinks to fit its contents, instead of expanding to the full width of its container.

  2. Line behavior: The div sits inline with other elements, similar to <span> elements.

  3. Block properties: The div still accepts width, height, padding, and margin properties.

  4. Vertical alignment: You can align the div vertically with other inline or inline-block elements using the vertical-align property.

This solution works for simple layouts and is supported by all modern browsers. However, inline-block elements can create small gaps between elements, which you might need to address in some designs.

Tip: Removing Gaps Between Inline-Block Elements

To remove unwanted gaps between inline-block elements, you can set the parent container's font-size to 0 and then reset it for the child elements:

.parent-container {
    font-size: 0;

.parent-container > * {
    font-size: 16px; /* Or your desired font size */

This technique eliminates the whitespace between inline-block elements without affecting the text inside them.

Alternative Approaches for Div Width Control

Using Fit-Content

The width: fit-content property is another way to control div width. To use this method, apply the following CSS:

div {
    width: fit-content;

This property tells the div to size itself based on its content, like inline-block. It allows the div to wrap its contents while keeping block-level behavior.

Browser support is important when using fit-content. Most new browsers support it, but older ones might not. For better compatibility, you can use:

div {
    width: -moz-fit-content;
    width: fit-content;

Tip: Fallback for Older Browsers

For even broader browser support, you can add a fallback using display: inline-block:

div {
    display: inline-block;
    width: -moz-fit-content;
    width: fit-content;

This ensures that older browsers that don't support fit-content will still display the div with content-based width.

Using Flexbox

Flexbox is a good way to control element sizing. To use flexbox for content-based sizing:

  1. Make a flex container:

    .container {
    display: flex;
  2. Set the child div to wrap its content:

    .child {
    flex: 0 1 auto;

Flexbox has benefits for content-based sizing:

  • Good control over element sizing and distribution
  • Easy vertical alignment of elements
  • Responsive design options
  • No unwanted spaces between elements

With flexbox, you can make complex layouts while keeping content-based sizing for your divs.