How To Redirect A User To Another Webpage Using JavaScript?


Problem: Redirecting Users with JavaScript

Web pages sometimes need to send visitors to different URLs automatically. JavaScript lets you do this redirection on the client side. This article shows you how to use JavaScript to redirect users from one webpage to another.

JavaScript Methods for Page Redirection

Using window.location Object

The window.location object provides information about the current URL and lets you change it. This object has properties that represent different parts of the URL, such as protocol, hostname, and pathname.

Key properties of window.location include:

  • href: The full URL of the current page
  • protocol: The protocol used (e.g., "http:" or "https:")
  • host: The domain name and port number
  • pathname: The path and filename of the current page

Tip: Using window.location.assign() for Redirection

You can also use the window.location.assign() method for redirection. This method loads a new document:


This method is similar to setting window.location.href, as it adds the new page to the browser's history.

Redirecting with window.location.href

To redirect using window.location.href, assign a new URL to this property:

window.location.href = "";

This method works in all browsers. It keeps the original page in the browser's history, so users can return to it using the back button.

Redirecting with window.location.replace()

The window.location.replace() method offers another way to redirect:


This method removes the current page from the browser's history. Users can't navigate back to the original page using the back button. This behavior is similar to a server-side redirect.

The replace() method is often used for redirects because it stops users from getting stuck in a loop when using the back button.

Implementing Redirection in JavaScript

Basic Redirection Code

To implement instant redirection in JavaScript, you can use this code:


This code redirects users to the specified URL as soon as it runs. It's useful when you want to redirect users right after an action or when a condition is met.

Tip: Use window.location.href for Faster Page Loading

For a potentially faster page load, you can use window.location.href instead:

window.location.href = "";

This method allows the browser to cache the page, which can lead to quicker loading times for frequently visited pages.

Delayed Redirection

You can add a delay before redirecting users with the setTimeout() function:

setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);

This code waits for 3 seconds before redirecting users.

Delayed redirection has several uses:

  • Showing a message before redirecting
  • Letting users read information before being redirected
  • Giving time for analytics scripts to run
  • Creating a smooth transition between pages

You might use delayed redirection after a form submission to show a "Thank you" message before redirecting to a new page.

Advanced Redirection Techniques

Conditional Redirection

JavaScript lets you redirect users based on conditions or actions. This technique helps create dynamic user experiences. Here's an example of conditional redirection:

function redirectUser(userType) {
    if (userType === 'admin') {
    } else if (userType === 'customer') {
    } else {

This function redirects users to different pages based on their user type. You can call this function after user authentication or when specific actions occur.

Example scenarios for conditional redirection include:

  • Redirecting users to different language versions of a website based on their browser settings
  • Sending users to a mobile-friendly version of a site when accessed from a mobile device
  • Redirecting to an age-restricted content page after age verification

Tip: Handling Invalid User Types

To improve error handling, add a default case in your conditional redirection:

function redirectUser(userType) {
    switch(userType) {
        case 'admin':
        case 'customer':
            console.log('Invalid user type');

This ensures that even if an unexpected user type is passed, the function will handle it gracefully.

Redirecting with URL Parameters

You can pass data through redirection by adding URL parameters. This method helps transfer information between pages. Here's an example:

function redirectWithData(username) {
    var redirectURL = '/welcome?user=' + encodeURIComponent(username);

This function creates a URL with a 'user' parameter and redirects to it. The encodeURIComponent() function makes sure the username is properly encoded for use in a URL.

To retrieve the passed data on the new page, you can use the URLSearchParams API:

var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
var username = urlParams.get('user');
console.log('Welcome, ' + username);

This code extracts the 'user' parameter from the URL and uses it on the new page.

URL parameters are useful for:

  • Passing user information between pages without using cookies
  • Tracking the source of traffic (e.g., from a specific marketing campaign)
  • Maintaining state across page reloads

Remember to handle cases where parameters might be missing or invalid to maintain a good user experience.