What Is The Difference Between SCSS And Sass?


Problem: Distinguishing SCSS and Sass

SCSS and Sass are CSS preprocessors with some differences. Understanding these differences helps web developers choose the right tool for their projects and write better stylesheets.

The Core Differences Between SCSS and Sass

Syntax and Structure: Comparing SCSS and Sass

SCSS and Sass have different syntax structures. SCSS uses curly braces and semicolons, like CSS. This makes SCSS code look familiar to developers who use CSS. For example:

.button {
  background-color: #007bff;
  color: #ffffff;

Sass uses an indentation-based syntax without curly braces or semicolons. The same code in Sass looks like this:

  background-color: #007bff
  color: #ffffff

The file extensions also differ. SCSS files use the .scss extension, while Sass files use the .sass extension.

Tip: Choosing Between SCSS and Sass

When deciding between SCSS and Sass, consider your team's familiarity with CSS. If most of your developers are comfortable with CSS syntax, SCSS might be a better choice as it allows for an easier transition.

Compatibility with CSS: SCSS's Advantage

SCSS is a superset of CSS, which means that any valid CSS code is also valid SCSS code. This compatibility allows you to add SCSS features to your CSS code without rewriting everything.

For CSS developers, moving to SCSS is often easier than to Sass. The familiar syntax of SCSS, with its curly braces and semicolons, makes it easier for you to start using its advanced features. This compatibility and ease of use have made SCSS more popular than the original Sass syntax in many web development projects.

Example: Gradual SCSS Adoption

/* Existing CSS code */
.header {
  background-color: #f0f0f0;

/* New SCSS feature: variable */
$primary-color: #007bff;

.button {
  background-color: $primary-color;

In this example, you can see how SCSS allows you to mix traditional CSS with new SCSS features like variables, enabling gradual adoption in existing projects.

Features and Functionality: Similarities Between SCSS and Sass

Shared Capabilities of SCSS and Sass

SCSS and Sass have different syntax structures but share the same core features and functionality. These shared capabilities make both preprocessors useful tools for CSS development.

Variables and mixins are main features in SCSS and Sass. Variables let you store and reuse values in your stylesheets, making it easier to keep colors, fonts, and other properties consistent. Mixins are reusable blocks of CSS declarations that you can include in multiple selectors.

Nesting of selectors is another shared feature. This lets you write more organized code by nesting child selectors within their parent selectors. It helps to mirror the structure of your HTML and reduces repetition in your stylesheets.

Both SCSS and Sass support math operations. You can do calculations directly in your stylesheets, which is useful for creating flexible layouts and keeping spacing consistent.

Importing and partials are also available in both preprocessors. You can split your stylesheets into smaller files (partials) and then import them into a main file. This helps organize large projects and improves code maintenance.

// Example of shared features in SCSS
$primary-color: #007bff;

@mixin button-styles {
  padding: 10px 15px;
  border-radius: 5px;

.container {
  width: 100% - 20px;

  .button {
    background-color: $primary-color;
    @include button-styles;

This example shows variables, mixins, nesting, and math operations in SCSS. The same features are available in Sass, although the syntax would differ slightly due to the indentation-based structure.

Tip: Use @extend for Efficient Code Reuse

Both SCSS and Sass support the @extend directive, which allows you to share a set of CSS properties from one selector to another. This can help reduce code duplication and create more maintainable stylesheets. For example:

.error {
  border: 1px solid red;
  background-color: #ffeeee;

.critical-error {
  @extend .error;
  font-weight: bold;

In this case, .critical-error will inherit all the properties of .error, plus have its own font-weight property.

Choosing Between SCSS and Sass: Practical Considerations

Factors to Consider When Selecting SCSS or Sass

When deciding between SCSS and Sass for your project, consider these key factors:

Team CSS knowledge: If your team knows CSS well, SCSS might be better. Its syntax is like CSS, making the switch easier. Developers can use SCSS features step by step without a big learning curve.

Project needs and size: Look at your project's requirements. For big, complex projects, SCSS's CSS compatibility can help. You can add SCSS features to existing CSS code easily. Sass, with its short syntax, might work for smaller projects or new ones.

Code readability: Think about how your team likes to write code. SCSS, with its braces and semicolons, looks familiar to those who know CSS or other languages. Sass uses indentation, which can make code shorter and cleaner. Some developers find this easier to read and maintain.

// SCSS example
.button {
  background-color: $primary-color;
  padding: 10px 15px;
  &:hover {
    background-color: darken($primary-color, 10%);
// Sass example
  background-color: $primary-color
  padding: 10px 15px
    background-color: darken($primary-color, 10%)

Pick the syntax that fits your team's skills, project needs, and coding style to improve your development process.

Tip: Try Both Syntaxes

To make an informed decision, try both SCSS and Sass on a small part of your project. This hands-on experience will help you and your team understand which syntax feels more natural and efficient for your workflow.