JavaScript - Placement


Script Tag Placement

When it comes to placing JavaScript code in an HTML document, there are several options available. Each placement option has its own pros and cons and is suited for different use cases. Let's look at the common placement techniques for script tags.

Head Section

One option is to place the script tags in the <head> section of the HTML document. When scripts are placed in the head section, they are loaded and executed before the browser starts rendering the page content. This means that any JavaScript code placed in the head section will run before the user sees any visible content on the page.


  • Scripts in the head section can be used to initialize variables, define functions, or perform any necessary setup before the page content is loaded.
  • If the script contains essential functionality that needs to be available immediately, placing it in the head section makes sure that it is loaded and executed first.


  • Placing scripts in the head section can delay the rendering of the page content. The browser will not start rendering until all the scripts in the head section have finished loading and executing, which can result in a slower perceived page load time.
  • If the scripts are large or take a long time to execute, it can significantly impact the user experience by delaying the display of the page content.

Use cases for head section placement:

  • When you need to define global variables, functions, or libraries that are required throughout the page.
  • When you have small scripts that need to run before any content is rendered.

Body Section

Another common placement option is to put the script tags within the <body> section of the HTML document. Scripts placed in the body section are loaded and executed as the browser finds them while parsing the HTML.


  • Scripts in the body section are executed in the order they appear, allowing you to control the flow of execution.
  • The page content above the script tags will be rendered before the scripts are loaded and executed, providing a better user experience.


  • If a script in the body section is heavy or takes a long time to execute, it can block the rendering of the content below it, leading to a noticeable delay.
  • Scripts in the body section may not have access to certain elements if they are placed above the elements they interact with.

Use cases for body section placement:

  • When you have scripts that depend on or interact with specific elements on the page.
  • When you want to execute scripts at specific points within the content flow.

Just Before Closing Body Tag

A widely recommended practice is to place script tags just before the closing </body> tag. This placement technique has become popular due to its performance benefits.


  • Placing scripts at the end of the body allows the page content to be fully rendered before the scripts are loaded and executed. This results in a faster perceived page load time.
  • By the time the scripts are executed, the DOM (Document Object Model) is fully constructed, making sure that the scripts have access to all the elements on the page.

Tip: Improved page loading and performance

When scripts are placed just before the closing body tag, the browser can start rendering the page content while simultaneously downloading the scripts in the background. This asynchronous loading approach minimizes the impact of script loading on the overall page load time, providing a better user experience.

The placement of script tags in an HTML document depends on the specific requirements of your web page. Consider factors such as script dependencies, performance, and user experience when deciding where to place your scripts.

Inline Scripts

Inline scripts are another way to include JavaScript code in an HTML document. Instead of placing scripts in separate tags, inline scripts are embedded directly within HTML elements using the onclick, onmouseover, or other event attributes.

Example: Inline script

<button onclick="alert('Hello, World!')">Click me!</button>

Pros of inline scripting:

  • Inline scripts are easy to add and can be used for small, simple functionality.
  • They can be helpful for quick prototyping or adding minor interactivity to elements.

Cons of inline scripting:

  • Inline scripts mix JavaScript code with HTML, making the code harder to read and maintain.
  • They are not reusable, as the script is tied to a specific HTML element.
  • Inline scripts can become difficult to manage if there are many of them scattered throughout the HTML document.
  • They are generally considered a less clean and scalable approach compared to using separate script tags or external files.

Despite the cons, inline scripts can still be useful in certain situations. Here are a few more examples of inline script usage:

Example: Logging input value

<input type="text" onchange="console.log(this.value)">

Example: Changing background color on hover

<div onmouseover="'yellow'" onmouseout="'white'">
  Hover over me!

While inline scripts can be helpful in specific cases, it's generally recommended to keep JavaScript code separate from HTML for better code organization, reusability, and maintainability.

External Scripts

You can include JavaScript in your HTML document by linking external JavaScript files. Instead of writing the JavaScript code in the HTML file, you can create separate files with a .js extension and reference them using the <script> tag.

To link an external JavaScript file, use the src attribute of the <script> tag and specify the URL or path to the JavaScript file.

Example: Linking an external JavaScript file

<script src="path/to/your/script.js"></script>

Using external scripts has several benefits:

Benefit Description
Code organization External scripts help keep your HTML and JavaScript code separate, making your codebase cleaner and easier to maintain. It allows you to focus on the structure and content of your HTML document while keeping the functionality in separate files.
Reusability External scripts can be referenced by multiple HTML pages, allowing you to reuse the same JavaScript code across your website without duplicating it. This promotes code reuse, reduces duplication, and makes maintainability easier.
Caching When you link an external JavaScript file, web browsers can cache that file separately. This means that if the user navigates to another page on your website that uses the same script, the browser can load the script from the cache instead of downloading it again. This can improve page load times and overall performance.
Collaboration and version control Storing JavaScript code in separate files makes it easier to work with version control systems like Git. Multiple developers can work on different parts of the codebase without conflicting with each other, and changes to the JavaScript code can be tracked and managed independently of the HTML.

When linking external scripts, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Place the <script> tags that link external files at the end of the <body> section, just before the closing </body> tag. This allows the page content to load first before the scripts are downloaded and executed, improving perceived page load times.

  • If you have multiple external scripts, consider combining them into fewer files to reduce the number of HTTP requests made by the browser. This can help improve performance, especially on slower networks.

  • Minify your JavaScript files to remove unnecessary whitespace, comments, and shorten variable names. Minification reduces the file size, resulting in faster download times.

  • Use meaningful file names for your external scripts that describe their purpose. This makes it easier to understand and maintain your codebase.

Example: Linking multiple external scripts

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>My Web Page</title>
  <!-- Page content goes here -->

  <script src="path/to/script1.js"></script>
  <script src="path/to/script2.js"></script>
  <script src="path/to/script3.js"></script>

Defer and Async Attributes

When including external scripts in your HTML document, you can use the defer and async attributes to control the loading and execution of the scripts. These attributes can help improve page performance and provide more control over how scripts are loaded and executed.

Defer Attribute

The defer attribute is used to indicate that a script should be loaded in the background while the HTML document continues to parse. The script execution is deferred until the document has finished parsing.

Example: Using the defer attribute

<script src="script.js" defer></script>

When to use the defer attribute:

  • When you have scripts that are not critical for the initial rendering of the page and can be loaded and executed later.
  • When you have scripts that depend on the DOM being fully loaded before they can execute properly.

Advantages of using defer:

  • The script is loaded in the background, allowing the HTML parsing to continue without blocking.
  • The script is executed only after the document has finished parsing, ensuring that the DOM is fully constructed.
  • Deferred scripts are executed in the order they appear in the HTML document.

Example: Multiple deferred scripts

<script src="script1.js" defer></script>
<script src="script2.js" defer></script>
<script src="script3.js" defer></script>

Async Attribute

The async attribute is used to indicate that a script should be loaded asynchronously, meaning that it can be loaded and executed independently of other scripts and the HTML parsing process.

Example: Using the async attribute

<script src="script.js" async></script>

When to use the async attribute:

  • When you have scripts that are independent and do not rely on other scripts or the DOM.
  • When you want to load and execute scripts as soon as they are available, without blocking the HTML parsing.

Advantages of using async:

  • The script is loaded asynchronously, allowing the HTML parsing to continue without blocking.
  • The script is executed as soon as it is downloaded, without waiting for the document parsing to complete.
  • Asynchronous scripts can improve page performance by allowing parallel loading and execution.

Example: Multiple asynchronous scripts

<script src="script1.js" async></script>
<script src="script2.js" async></script>
<script src="script3.js" async></script>

Tip: Execution order with async attribute

It's important to note that when using the async attribute, the execution order of the scripts is not guaranteed. If your scripts have dependencies on each other, you should use the defer attribute instead or manage the dependencies manually.

Script Loading and Execution Order

The placement of script tags in an HTML document affects how the scripts load and run. Understanding the impact of script placement on loading and execution order is important for making your page fast and running your scripts correctly.

When a browser finds a script tag while reading the HTML document, it stops reading to load and run the script. This behavior can affect the loading and rendering of the page, especially if the scripts are large or depend on other scripts or DOM elements.

Here's how script placement affects loading and execution order:

Scripts placed in the <head> section

  • Scripts in the <head> section load and run before the browser starts rendering the page content.
  • The reading of the HTML document stops until the scripts load and run.
  • If the scripts are large or take a long time to run, it can delay the rendering of the page content.

Scripts placed in the <body> section

  • Scripts in the <body> section load and run as the browser finds them while reading the HTML.
  • The reading of the HTML document pauses while each script loads and runs.
  • Scripts run in the order they appear in the <body> section.

Scripts placed just before the closing </body> tag

  • Scripts placed at the end of the <body> section load and run after the page content has been read and rendered.
  • This placement allows the page content to be shown to the user while the scripts load in the background.
  • The scripts run after the DOM is fully built, so they have access to all the elements on the page.

When working with multiple scripts, you need to think about their dependencies. If a script relies on another script or DOM elements, you should place it after the dependencies in the HTML document. Not managing script dependencies properly can lead to errors or unexpected behavior.

Here are some ways to manage script loading and execution order:

Technique Description
Place independent scripts at the end of the <body> section This allows the page content to load first.
Use the defer attribute For scripts that can load in the background but should run after the HTML document has finished reading.
Use the async attribute For scripts that are independent and can load and run asynchronously, without blocking the HTML reading.
Combine and minify scripts This reduces the number of HTTP requests and improves load times.
Use script loaders or module bundlers To manage dependencies and control the loading and execution order of scripts.

Example: Script Dependency

<script src="library.js"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>

By carefully thinking about script placement and managing dependencies, you can improve the loading and running of your scripts, resulting in better performance and a smoother user experience.