CSS - Clip


Syntax and Usage

The clip property in CSS lets you define a visible part of an element while hiding the rest. Note that the clip property only works on absolutely positioned elements. The basic syntax of the clip property is:

clip: shape | auto | initial | inherit;

The clip property accepts several values that determine the clipping region:

  1. shape: Specifies the shape and size of the clipping region. The most common shape used with the clip property is rect(), which defines a rectangular clipping region.

  2. auto: This is the default value, meaning no clipping is applied to the element. The entire element is visible.

  3. initial: Sets the clip property to its default value, which is auto.

  4. inherit: Inherits the clip value from its parent element.

The most commonly used value with the clip property is the rect() function, allowing you to define a rectangular clipping region by specifying coordinates for top, right, bottom, and left edges:

clip: rect(top, right, bottom, left);

Here's what each parameter represents:

  • top: Distance from top edge of element to top edge of clipping region.
  • right: Distance from left edge of element to right edge of clipping region.
  • bottom: Distance from top edge of element to bottom edge of clipping region.
  • left: Distance from left edge of element to left edge of clipping region.

You can specify values for these parameters using length units like pixels (px), percentages (%), or auto. The auto value allows corresponding edges to extend as needed for content.

Example of using rect() with clip

.clipped-element {
  position: absolute;
  clip: rect(20px, 200px, 100px, 50px);
  • Clipping starts 20 pixels from top,
  • 200 pixels from left,
  • Ends at 100 pixels down,
  • And extends up to 50 pixels inward on both sides.

Any content outside this rectangle will be clipped and not visible.

Using clip and rect(), you can create various shapes and control visibility in your web designs effectively.

Clipping with the rect() Function

The rect() function is a common value used with the clip property in CSS. It lets you define a rectangular clipping region for an element by specifying the coordinates of the top, right, bottom, and left edges.

The rect() function takes four parameters:

rect(top, right, bottom, left)
  • top: The distance from the top edge of the element to the top edge of the clipping region.
  • right: The distance from the left edge of the element to the right edge of the clipping region.
  • bottom: The distance from the top edge of the element to the bottom edge of the clipping region.
  • left: The distance from the left edge of an element to its own left clipping region.

You can use length units like pixels (px), percentages (%), or auto for these values. Using auto allows that side to extend as needed.

Example: Clipping with rect()

.clipped-image {
  position: absolute;
  clip: rect(20px, 300px, 200px, 50px);
  • Clipping starts 20 pixels from above.
  • It extends 300 pixels from one side.
  • Clipping ends 200 pixels downwards.
  • It extends inward by 50 pixels.

Any content outside this rectangle will be clipped and not visible.

You can also create more complex shapes by combining multiple regions.

Example: Complex clipping shapes

.complex-clip {
  position: absolute;
  clip: rect(0px, 200px, 150px, 0) rect(50px, 250px, 200px, 150px);
  • The first area starts at one corner and goes up to another point (200x150).
  • The second area starts at (50x150) and goes up to another point (250x200).

By using these functions creatively, you can control what parts are visible on your web page.

Practical Applications

The clip property in CSS has several uses that can improve the visual presentation of your web pages. Here are some ways you can use clipping in your web designs:

Creating custom shapes for images or elements

By using the rect() function with the clip property, you can create custom shapes for your images or elements. This is useful when you want to display only a specific part of an image or create unique design elements. You can clip an image to a circular shape.

Example: clipping image to a circular shape

.circular-image {
  position: absolute;
  clip: rect(0px, 100px, 100px, 0px);
  border-radius: 50%;

In this example, the image is clipped to a square shape using rect(), and then the border-radius property is applied to create a circular appearance.

Highlighting specific areas of an element

Clipping can be used to draw attention to specific areas of an element. By selectively revealing or hiding parts of an element, you can guide the user's focus to important content. This technique is often used in interactive tutorials or product showcases.

Example: clipping to highlight an area

.highlighted-area {
  position: absolute;
  clip: rect(100px, 300px, 200px, 200px);

In this case, only the rectangular region defined by the rect() function will be visible.

Combining clip with other CSS properties

The clip property can be combined with other CSS properties to create interesting visual effects. You can use clipping with CSS animations or transitions to reveal or hide content dynamically.

Example: clipping with animation

.animated-clip {
  position: absolute;
  clip: rect(0, 0, 100px, 0);
  transition: clip .5s ease-in-out;

.animated-clip:hover {
  clip: rect(0, 200px, 100px, 0);

In this example, when hovered over, the clipping region expands horizontally revealing more content. This creates an engaging interactive effect.