CSS - Max Block Size


Syntax and Values

The max-block-size property in CSS has a simple syntax:

max-block-size: <value>;

The <value> can be one of several possible values:

Value Type Description Example
Length You can use absolute length units such as pixels (px), centimeters (cm), or inches (in). Relative length units like em, rem, or vh can also be used. max-block-size: 200px; or max-block-size: 10em;
Percentage Percentages define the maximum block size relative to the block size of the containing block. max-block-size: 50%; sets the maximum block size to half of the containing block's size.
Keyword none: This is the default value, indicating that there is no maximum block size limit.
max-content: The maximum block size is determined by the largest content size of the element, considering line breaks.
min-content: The maximum block size is determined by the smallest possible content size of the element, without considering line breaks.
fit-content: The maximum block size is calculated based on the available space, similar to max-content, but with a maximum limit of the containing block's size.

Example: Usage of Different Value Types

.element-1 {
  max-block-size: 300px;

.element-2 {
  max-block-size: 10rem;

.element-3 {
  max-block-size: 75%;

.element-4 {
  max-block-size: max-content;

In the above example, .element-1 has a fixed maximum block size of 300 pixels, .element-2 uses a relative unit of 10 rem, .element-3 sets the maximum block size to 75% of its containing block, and .element-4 uses the max-content keyword to determine the maximum block size based on the content.

Usage and Examples

The max-block-size property sets a maximum height for block-level elements and controls the vertical size of elements in a layout. Here are some examples of how you can use max-block-size:

Setting a Maximum Height for Block-level Elements

Example: Setting a Maximum Height for Block-level Elements

.container {
  max-block-size: 400px;

The .container element will have a maximum height of 400 pixels. If the content inside the container is taller than 400 pixels, it will overflow unless specified otherwise.

Controlling the Vertical Size of Elements in a Layout

Example: Controlling the Vertical Size of Elements in a Layout

.card {
  max-block-size: 300px;
  overflow: auto;

By setting max-block-size on the .card element, you limit its vertical size to a maximum of 300 pixels. If the content inside the card is taller than 300 pixels, you can use the overflow property to specify how the overflowing content should be handled. In this case, setting overflow: auto; will add a scrollbar when needed.

Combining max-block-size with Other CSS Properties

You can use max-block-size with other CSS properties to create flexible and responsive layouts:

Property Description
min-block-size Sets the minimum height for an element. Using min-block-size and max-block-size together allows you to define a range for the element's height.
block-size Specifies the height of an element. When used with max-block-size, the element's height will be limited by the maximum value.
overflow Determines how content that exceeds the dimensions of an element should be handled. Options include visible (default), hidden, scroll, and auto.

Example: Combining max-block-size with Other CSS Properties

.box {
  min-block-size: 200px;
  max-block-size: 400px;

Some more text

.banner {
  block-size: 300px;
  max-block-size: 250px;

Some more text

.content {
  max-block-size: 500px;
  overflow: auto;

The .banner element has a height of 300 pixels, but the max-block-size property limits it to a maximum of 250 pixels. If the content inside the .content element is taller than 500 pixels, a scrollbar will appear to allow users to access the overflowing content.

By combining max-block-size with these properties, you create layouts that adapt to different content sizes and maintain a consistent vertical size across elements.

Responsiveness and Adaptability

The max-block-size property is a useful tool for creating responsive designs and adapting the maximum height of elements based on screen size. By using media queries with max-block-size, you can adjust the vertical size of elements to fit different screen sizes and devices.

Using max-block-size for Responsive Design

Responsive design aims to create layouts that adapt to various screen sizes and devices. With max-block-size, you can set different maximum heights for elements depending on the available space. This allows your design to look good and work well on both large screens and small devices.

Example of max-block-size for Responsive Design

.card {
  max-block-size: 400px;

@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
  .card {
    max-block-size: 300px;

@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
  .card {
    max-block-size: 200px;

The .card element has a default max-block-size of 400 pixels. When the screen width is 768 pixels or less, the max-block-size is reduced to 300 pixels. For screens with a width of 480 pixels or less, the max-block-size is further reduced to 200 pixels. This allows the card to adapt its height based on the available screen space.

Adapting the Maximum Height of Elements Based on Screen Size

By using media queries, you can change the max-block-size value for different screen sizes. This lets you optimize the vertical size of elements for various devices, such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

Example of adapting the maximum height of elements based on screen size

.banner {
  max-block-size: 500px;

@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
  .banner {
    max-block-size: 400px;

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
  .banner {
    max-block-size: 300px;

The .banner element has a default max-block-size of 500 pixels for large screens. When the screen width is 1024 pixels or less (e.g., tablets), the max-block-size is reduced to 400 pixels. For small screens with a width of 600 pixels or less (e.g., mobile phones), the max-block-size is set to 300 pixels. This adaptation makes sure that the banner's height is right for each screen size.

Media Queries and max-block-size

Media queries are a key part of responsive design. They allow you to apply different styles based on the features of the device, such as screen width, height, orientation, or resolution. By combining media queries with the max-block-size property, you can create layouts that adapt well to different devices.

Example of media queries with max-block-size

.content {
  max-block-size: 600px;

@media screen and (orientation: landscape) {
  .content {
    max-block-size: 400px;

@media screen and (max-height: 600px) {
  .content {
    max-block-size: 300px;

The .content element has a default max-block-size of 600 pixels. When the device is in landscape orientation, the max-block-size is reduced to 400 pixels to account for the wider screen. If the screen height is 600 pixels or less, the max-block-size is further reduced to 300 pixels to prevent the content from overflowing the available vertical space.