CSS - Overflow


Introduction to Overflow

In CSS, overflow is a property that determines how content should be handled when it exceeds the dimensions of its containing element. It allows developers to control the behavior of content that doesn't fit within the specified dimensions of an element.

Controlling overflow helps maintain the layout and design of a webpage. Without proper overflow handling, content that exceeds the dimensions of its container can disrupt the layout, causing elements to overlap or extend beyond their intended boundaries. This can lead to a poor user experience and make the website look unprofessional.

Controlling overflow is also important for readability and usability. When content overflows its container without any control, it can become difficult for users to read or interact with. By properly managing overflow, developers can keep content accessible and easy to consume.

There are several common use cases for the overflow property in CSS. One common scenario is when dealing with long text content that needs to be contained within a fixed-width container.

Example of clipping text with overflow hidden

div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;
    overflow: hidden;

This prevents the text from extending beyond its container's boundaries, providing a neat look.

Another common use case is creating scrollable sections within a webpage.

Example of a scrollable container with overflow scroll

div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;
    overflow: scroll;

This allows users to access additional content without affecting the overall page layout.

The overflow property can also hide extra content gracefully by setting the overflow to "hidden." This makes extra content invisible, providing a clean look.

In following sections, we will explore different values of the overflow property and how they control various scenarios.

Overflow Property Values

The overflow property in CSS can take one of four values: visible, hidden, scroll, and auto. Each value determines how the browser should handle content that exceeds the dimensions of its containing element.


visible is the default value for the overflow property. When an element's overflow is set to visible, the content is not clipped and may extend beyond the element's box. If the content is larger than the dimensions of the containing element, it will spill out and be visible outside.

Example: overflow visible

div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;
    overflow: visible;

If the content inside the div exceeds 200 pixels in width or 100 pixels in height, it will be visible and extend beyond.


When you set the overflow property to hidden, any excess content will be clipped to fit within its box. No scrollbars are provided when using this setting.

Example: overflow hidden

div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;
    overflow: hidden;

If your content inside this div is larger than specified, it will be clipped and not visible.


Setting the overflow property to scroll clips excess content but always shows scrollbars, even if they are not needed.

Example: overflow scroll

div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;
    overflow: scroll;

With this setting, users can always scroll to view any extended content regardless of whether it actually overflows or not.


When you set overflow to auto, it behaves like scroll but only shows scrollbars when necessary. The excess content gets clipped only if needed.

Example: overflow auto

div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px; 
    overflow: auto; 

If your div’s contents are smaller than specified dimensions, no scrollbar appears. Scrollbars show up only when contents exceed these limits.

Overflow-x and Overflow-y Properties

CSS provides two specific properties: overflow-x and overflow-y. These properties let you control the overflow behavior of an element separately for the horizontal and vertical axes.

The overflow-x property controls how content overflows horizontally. If the content is wider than the specified width of its container, you can use overflow-x to determine if the extra content should be visible, hidden, or accessible through a scrollbar.

Similarly, the overflow-y property controls overflow behavior in the vertical direction. When content exceeds the specified height of its container, overflow-y determines how to handle it.

Both overflow-x and overflow-y accept values like those for the general overflow property: visible, hidden, scroll, and auto.

Example: Using overflow-x and overflow-y

div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;
    overflow-x: scroll;
    overflow-y: hidden;

In this example, the div element has a fixed width of 200 pixels and a height of 100 pixels. The overflow-x property is set to scroll, which means that if content is wider than 200 pixels, a horizontal scrollbar will appear to allow scrolling. The overflow-y property is set to hidden so that if content exceeds 100 pixels in height, it will be clipped vertically.

By using these properties, you have more control over how content overflows in each direction. This is useful when you want to handle horizontal and vertical overflow differently. For instance, you might want horizontal scrolling for wide content while keeping vertical overflow hidden.

If both properties are set to different values, browser behavior may vary based on its own rules. To avoid unexpected results, it's generally recommended to use either similar values for both properties or use shorthand with one value when uniform behavior is desired.

Practical Examples

Now that we've covered the basics of the overflow property and its values, let's see some practical examples of how it can be used.

Handling long text content

One common use case for the overflow property is handling long text content within a fixed-width container. When you have a container with a specified width and the text content is longer than the available space, you can use overflow to prevent the text from extending beyond the container's boundaries.

Example: Handling long text content

div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;
    overflow: hidden;
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla auctor, nisl eget ultricies lacinia, nisl nisl aliquam nisl, nec aliquam nisl nisl sit amet nisl. Nulla auctor, nisl eget ultricies lacinia, nisl nisl aliquam nisl, nec aliquam nisl.

The div element has a fixed width of 200 pixels and a height of 100 pixels. By setting overflow to hidden, any text that exceeds these dimensions will be clipped and not visible. This prevents disruption in your page layout.

Creating scrollable containers

Another practical use of the overflow property is creating scrollable containers within a webpage. By applying overflow to an element, you can create sections that are scrollable independently of other parts of your page.

Example: Creating a scrollable container

div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;
    overflow: scroll;
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
  <p>Nulla auctor.</p>

The div element has a fixed width and height with an overflow set to scroll. This creates a scrollable area where users can move vertically to access more content inside the div when it exceeds its dimensions.

Hiding content gracefully

Sometimes you may want to hide extra content without providing a scrollbar. In such cases, you can use the value 'hidden' for 'overflow' to hide overflowing content gracefully.

Example: Hiding content gracefully

div {
    width: 200px;
    height: 100px;
    overflow: hidden;
   <img src="large-image.jpg" alt="Large Image">

There is an image larger than its containing div which has fixed dimensions set by CSS properties (width & height). Setting overflow to hidden clips any part exceeding those boundaries, giving a clean appearance without visible overflows.