CSS - Image Sprites


Creating an Image Sprite

To create an image sprite, you need to combine multiple images into a single image file. This can be done using image editing software like Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, or online tools designed for creating sprites.

When combining the images, arrange them in a grid or any desired layout within the sprite file. Make sure to leave spacing between each image to avoid overlapping or visual glitches when displayed on the web page.

Proper alignment and spacing between the images in the sprite are important. Consistent spacing helps in positioning the individual sprite elements using CSS. You can use guides or rulers in your image editing software to maintain precise positioning.

Consider the size of the sprite file and optimize it for web usage. Balancing the number of images and their dimensions is important to keep the file size reasonable. Larger sprite files may impact page load time, so it's recommended to find a balance between the number of images and overall sprite size.

Once you have arranged all the images in the sprite file, save it in a web-friendly format such as PNG or JPEG. PNG is often preferred for sprites with transparency, while JPEG can be used for sprites with no transparency requirements.

With the image sprite created, you are ready to implement it in your web project using HTML and CSS. The next step involves structuring your HTML elements and applying CSS styles to display individual sprite images accurately.

HTML Example

<p>This is a paragraph with extra spaces.</p>

When a browser renders this code, it will display the text as:

This is a paragraph with extra spaces.

Mismatched Tags Example

<p>This is a paragraph.</div>

In this case, the opening <p> tag is closed with a </div> tag, which is incorrect. The right way to close the paragraph is:

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>

Implementing CSS Image Sprites

To implement CSS image sprites in your web project, you need to structure your HTML elements and apply CSS styles.

HTML Structure

Create HTML elements for each sprite image you want to display. These elements can be <div>, <span>, or any other container element. Assign a class or ID to each element to target them with CSS styles.

Example: HTML Elements for Sprites

<div class="sprite sprite-image1"></div>
<div class="sprite sprite-image2"></div>
<div class="sprite sprite-image3"></div>

We have created three <div> elements with the class "sprite" and an additional class specific to each sprite image (e.g., "sprite-image1", "sprite-image2", "sprite-image3"). This structure allows for easy selection and styling of individual sprite elements.

CSS Styling

Next, apply CSS styles to the HTML elements to display the desired sprite images. Start by setting the background-image property to the sprite image file.

Example: CSS Background Image

.sprite {
  background-image: url('path/to/sprite-image.png');

Adjust the background-position property for each sprite element to display the correct portion of the sprite image. The position values can be specified in pixels or percentages, depending on how your sprite image is laid out.

Example: CSS Background Position

.sprite-image1 {
  background-position: 0 0;
.sprite-image2 {
  background-position: -50px 0;
.sprite-image3 {
  background-position: 0 -50px;

We set background-position for each element. The first value represents the horizontal position, and the second value represents the vertical position. Negative values shift the background image as needed.

Define width and height of each element to match the dimensions of individual images within the file.

Example: CSS Width and Height

.sprite {
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;

By setting the correct width and height, only the intended portions of images are visible within each element.

With this structure and these styles in place, your sprites will now display correctly on your web page. The browser will load one file and use specified positions to show appropriate parts for each element.

Remember that you may need different position values based on the actual layout and sizes of your images. Experiment with different values until you get the desired alignment and spacing.

Positioning and Displaying Sprites

To display the desired part of the sprite image, use the background-position property in CSS. This property lets you control which part of the sprite image is visible within each HTML element.

The background-position property takes two values: horizontal position and vertical position. These values can be specified in pixels, percentages, or other units.

To align the sprite correctly, adjust the position values based on your sprite image layout. For example, if your sprite image has images arranged horizontally, change the horizontal position value to display different images.

Horizontal Sprite Positioning

Example: Horizontal Sprite Positioning

.sprite-image1 {
  background-position: 0 0;
.sprite-image2 {
  background-position: -50px 0;
.sprite-image3 {
  background-position: -100px 0;

The sprite images are positioned horizontally. The first image is displayed at (0, 0), the second image is shifted 50 pixels to the left (-50px, 0), and the third image is shifted 100 pixels to the left (-100px, 0).

If your sprite image has images arranged vertically, change the vertical position value to display different images.

Vertical Sprite Positioning

Example: Vertical Sprite Positioning

.sprite-image1 {
   background-position: -20px -30px; 

The first image will be displayed at default (0, 0). The second image will be shifted upwards by (0, -50px). The third image will be shifted upwards by (0, -100px).

When positioning sprites, consider using negative values for precise positioning. Negative values allow you to shift background images in the opposite direction, revealing the desired portion of the sprite.

It is important to note that positions depend on the specific layout and spacing of individual sprites within the file.

Precise Sprite Positioning

Example: Precise Sprite Positioning

.Sprite-Image {
  background-position: -20px;

Hover Effects and Animations

CSS image sprites can be used to create hover effects and animations, adding interactivity to your website. By changing the background position on hover, you can display different sprite images or states when the user interacts with an element.

To create a hover effect, use the :hover pseudo-class in your CSS selector. Within the :hover rule, change the background-position property to display a different part of the sprite image.


: "Hover Effect Example"

.sprite {
  background-position: 0 0;

.sprite:hover {
  background-position: -50px 0;

When the user hovers over an element with the class "sprite", the background position shifts 50 pixels to the left, revealing a different image or state within the sprite.

To make transitions between sprite positions smooth and visually appealing, you can use CSS transitions or animations. Transitions allow you to define how long it takes for changes in CSS properties to complete.


: "Transition Example"

.sprite {
  background-position: 0 0;
  transition: background-position 0.3s ease;

.sprite:hover {
  background-position: -50px 0;

The transition property is added to ".sprite". It specifies that changes in background-position should take place over a duration of 0.3 seconds with an easing function of "ease".

Animations provide more control over sprite transitions. With CSS animations, you can define keyframes that specify different positions at various stages of animation.


: "Animation Example"

.sprite {
  background-position: 0% {background-positon : 0 0;}
  animation: spriteAnimation 1s steps(3) infinite;

@keyframes spriteAnimation {
  0% {background-position: 0 0;}
  33.33% {background-position: -50px 0;}
  66.66% {background-position: -100px 0;}
  100% {background-position: 0 0;}

In this example, "spriteAnimation" keyframes define three different positions at 0%, 33.33%, 66.66%, and 100% of the animation duration. The 'animation' property is applied to ".sprite", specifying a duration of 1 second, the "steps" timing function with 3 steps, and "infinite" iteration count.

By incorporating hover effects and animations with CSS image sprites, you can create engaging elements that respond to user actions. This can help guide user interactions, give visual feedback, and improve overall experience on your website. Experiment with different positions, durations, and animation keyframes to create captivating interactions tailored to your website's design and needs.