CSS - Height


Setting Height in CSS

Using Pixels

To set the height of an element in CSS with pixels, use the height property followed by a number and the px unit.

Example: Using pixels in CSS

.element {
  height: 200px;

This gives you control over the element's height. It is useful when you have a height requirement and want the element to maintain that height.

Disadvantages of using pixels for height:

Disadvantage Description
Content overflow Setting a fixed height can lead to content overflow if the content inside the element is bigger than the height.
Less flexible Using pixels for height can make the element less flexible and less responsive to different screen sizes and devices.

Using Percentages

To set the height of an element with percentages, use the height property followed by a percentage value.

Example: Using percentages in CSS

.parent {
  height: 400px;

.child {
  height: 50%;

The child element will have a height of 50% of its parent's height, which is 200px (50% of 400px).

Using percentages for height is useful when you want the element to adapt to the size of its parent container. It allows for more flexibility and responsiveness in your layout. For percentage heights to work, the parent element must have a height. If the parent's height is not set or is set to auto, the percentage height will not have any effect.

Using Viewport Units

CSS has viewport units, which allow you to set the height of an element relative to the size of the viewport (the visible area of the web page). The available viewport units are:

Unit Description
vh (viewport height) 1vh is equal to 1% of the viewport's height.
vw (viewport width) 1vw is equal to 1% of the viewport's width.
vmin (viewport minimum) 1vmin is equal to the smaller of 1vh or 1vw.
vmax (viewport maximum) 1vmax is equal to the larger of 1vh or 1vw.

To set the height using viewport units, use the height property followed by a value and the viewport unit.

Example: Using viewport units in CSS

.element {
  height: 50vh;

The element will have a height of 50% of the viewport's height.

Using viewport units for height is useful when you want elements to adapt to different screen sizes and maintain a consistent proportion. It is used for creating full-height sections or hero images that occupy a certain percentage of the screen height.

Consider the responsiveness and accessibility when using viewport units for height, as they may not always provide the best user experience on smaller screens or devices with limited viewport heights.

Height and Content

Auto Height

The height property in CSS is auto by default. When an element's height is auto, the element adjusts its height to fit its content. The height of the element is determined by the amount of content inside it, such as text, images, or other elements.

Example: Auto height in CSS

.element {
  height: auto;

When using auto height, the element expands vertically to fit its content without any fixed height restriction. This is useful when you have dynamic content that may vary in size and want the element to adapt.

However, if an element has no content or if its content is floated or positioned absolutely, the element may collapse and have a height of 0. In such cases, you may need to set a minimum height or use other techniques to maintain the desired height.


When an element's content is larger than the height set by the height property, it leads to overflow. By default, if the content is larger than the specified height, it overflows outside the element's bounds. This can cause the content to be clipped or extend beyond the element's dimensions.

To control how the overflowing content behaves, you can use the overflow property in CSS. The overflow property has several values:

Value Description
visible The default value. The content overflows outside the element's bounds and is visible.
hidden The overflowing content is clipped and not visible.
scroll Adds scrollbars to the element, allowing the user to scroll to see the overflowing content.
auto Similar to scroll, but the scrollbars only appear when necessary (when there is overflow).

Example: Using overflow property in CSS

.element {
  height: 200px;
  overflow: auto;

Consider the user experience when dealing with overflow. While overflow: hidden can hide the overflowing content, it may not always be the best solution as it can make some content inaccessible. Using overflow: scroll or overflow: auto provides a way for users to access the full content when needed.

Height and Box Model

In CSS, the height of an element is influenced by the box model. The box model defines how an element's total height is calculated based on its content, padding, border, and margin.

When you set the height property of an element, it sets the height of the content area. However, the padding and border of the element can change the element's total height.

CSS Code Example

.element {
  height: 200px;
  padding: 20px;
  border: 5px solid black;

In this case, the total height of the element will be:

Component Height
Content height 200px
Top and bottom padding 20px each (40px total)
Top and bottom border 5px each (10px total)

So, the total height of the element will be 250px (200px + 40px + 10px).

If you want the specified height to include the padding and border, you can use the box-sizing property with the value border-box:

CSS Code Example with Box-Sizing

.element {
  height: 200px;
  padding: 20px;
  border: 5px solid black;
  box-sizing: border-box;

With box-sizing: border-box, the specified height (200px) will include the content area, padding, and border. The content area will be calculated by subtracting the padding and border from the specified height.

It's important to note that margin does not affect the element's height calculation. Margin is the space outside the element's border and does not contribute to its height.

When setting the height of elements, consider the box model. Think about if you want the specified height to include the padding and border or if you want the padding and border to be added to the content height.

Height and Positioning

Height and Absolute Positioning

When an element is positioned absolutely using the position: absolute property, its height changes compared to statically positioned elements. The height of an absolutely positioned element is set by its content and any height value you set.

To set the height of an absolutely positioned element, you can use the height property with the top, right, bottom, and left properties to position the element within its containing block.

Example 1 - Absolute Positioning

.container {
  position: relative;
  height: 400px;

.absolute-element {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50px;
  left: 50px;
  height: 200px;

The .absolute-element is positioned 50 pixels from the top and 50 pixels from the left of its containing block (.container). The height of the absolute element is set to 200 pixels.

When using absolute positioning, keep in mind:

  • The height of an absolutely positioned element is separate from its parent's height unless the parent has a set height.
  • If you don't set the height of an absolutely positioned element, it will be set by the element's content.
  • Absolutely positioned elements are removed from the normal document flow, so their height does not change the height of their parent or sibling elements.

Height and Flexbox

Flexbox is a layout model in CSS that lets you make flexible and responsive layouts. When using flexbox, you can control the height of flex items using the flex property and its related properties.

By default, flex items have a height of auto, which means they will grow or shrink based on their content. But you can set the height of flex items using the height property.

Example 2 - Flexbox Height

.flex-container {
  display: flex;
  height: 400px;

.flex-item {
  height: 200px;

The .flex-container is set to a height of 400 pixels, and the .flex-item is given a height of 200 pixels. The flex item will keep its height of 200 pixels within the flex container.

You can also use the flex property to control the height of flex items compared to their siblings. The flex property is a shorthand for flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis.

Example 3 - Flex Property

.flex-container {
  display: flex;
  height: 400px;

.flex-item {
  flex: 1;

By setting flex: 1 on the flex items, they will grow and shrink equally to fill the space in the flex container. The height of each flex item will be set by the height of the flex container and the number of flex items.

When using flexbox and controlling the height of flex items, consider the following:

  • You can set the height of the flex container using the height property.
  • Flex items can have a set height using the height property or a flexible height using the flex property.
  • The align-items property can be used to control the vertical alignment of flex items within the flex container.

Responsive Height

Responsive web design aims to create websites that adapt to different screen sizes and devices, providing an optimal viewing experience. When setting the height of elements in responsive design, there are challenges and techniques to keep in mind.

One of the main challenges of setting height in responsive design is that the available vertical space can vary greatly among devices. What works well on a desktop screen might not fit or look good on a smaller mobile screen. Setting fixed heights in pixels can lead to content being cut off or requiring unwanted scrolling on smaller screens.

To overcome these challenges and create responsive heights, you can use various CSS techniques:

Technique Description
Media Queries Apply different styles based on the characteristics of the device, such as screen width. Set different heights for elements at different breakpoints.
Flexbox Control the height of elements based on the height of their parent container or distribute the available space among flex items.
Grid Define the rows and columns of your layout and control the height of elements within the grid.

Using media queries for responsive height

Example: Using media queries for responsive height

.element {
  height: 400px;

@media (max-width: 768px) {
  .element {
    height: 300px;

@media (max-width: 480px) {
  .element {
    height: 200px;

The element has a default height of 400px. However, when the screen width is 768px or less, the height is reduced to 300px. And when the screen width is 480px or less, the height is further reduced to 200px.

Using flexbox for responsive height

Example: Using flexbox for responsive height

.flex-container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  height: 100vh;

.flex-item {
  flex: 1;

The flex container is set to a height of 100vh (100% of the viewport height). The flex items inside the container will grow and shrink equally to fill the available vertical space, creating a responsive height layout.

Using grid for responsive height

Example: Using grid for responsive height

.grid-container {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-rows: auto 1fr auto;
  height: 100vh;

.grid-item {
  /* Styles for grid items */

The grid container is set to a height of 100vh. The grid template consists of three rows: the first and last rows have an auto height, while the middle row uses 1fr to fill the remaining vertical space. This creates a responsive height layout where the middle row adapts to the available space.

When designing responsive heights, it's important to consider the content and the user experience. Use techniques like media queries, flexbox, and grid to create flexible and adaptable heights that work well across different devices and screen sizes. Test your designs on various devices to make sure the heights are appropriate and the content is easily accessible.

Responsive height is one aspect of responsive web design. Combine it with responsive widths, typography, and images to create a fully responsive website that provides a great user experience on any device.