HTML - Drag & Drop API


Basic Concepts

To understand how the Drag & Drop API works, you need to know some basic concepts. Let's look at the key elements and events in drag and drop operations.

Element/Event Description
Draggable elements Items that can be picked up and moved by the user during a drag operation. These elements have the html <code>draggable</code> attribute set to true. When an element is made draggable, the browser lets the user select and drag it.
Dropzone elements (drop targets) Areas where draggable elements can be dropped. These elements listen for drop events and respond when a draggable element is released over them. Dropzone elements accept or reject the drop based on the data being dragged.
html <code>dragstart</code> event Fired when the user starts dragging an element.
html <code>drag</code> event Fired continuously while the user is dragging an element.
html <code>dragenter</code> event Fired when a draggable element enters a valid drop target.
html <code>dragover</code> event Fired continuously while a draggable element is over a valid drop target.
html <code>dragleave</code> event Fired when a draggable element leaves a valid drop target.
html <code>dragend</code> event Fired when the user releases the mouse button, ending the drag operation.
html <code>drop</code> event Fired when a draggable element is dropped onto a valid drop target.

These events let you control the behavior and visual feedback during drag and drop operations. You can attach event listeners to draggable and dropzone elements to respond to these events and perform actions based on the drag and drop interaction.

Making Elements Draggable

To make an element draggable, set the draggable attribute on the element to true. This tells the browser that you can pick up and move the element during a drag operation.

Example: Set draggable attribute

<div id="draggable-item" draggable="true">
  Drag me!

When an element is draggable, you can handle the dragstart event to specify the data being dragged and change the drag behavior. The dragstart event fires when you start dragging the element. You can attach an event listener to the draggable element to respond to this event:

Example: Attach dragstart event listener

const draggableItem = document.getElementById('draggable-item');

draggableItem.addEventListener('dragstart', function(event) {
  // Handle the dragstart event

Inside the dragstart event listener, you can specify the data being dragged using the dataTransfer object. The dataTransfer object holds the data that is being dragged during a drag and drop operation. You can set the data using the setData() method:

Example: Set data using dataTransfer.setData()

draggableItem.addEventListener('dragstart', function(event) {

In the above example, we set the data being dragged to the ID of the draggable element using the text/plain data type.

You can also change the look of the drag ghost image, which is the visual representation of the element being dragged. By default, the browser creates a semi-transparent copy of the dragged element. However, you can use the dataTransfer.setDragImage() method to set a custom image:

Example: Set custom drag image

const customDragImage = document.createElement('img');
customDragImage.src = 'path/to/custom-image.png';

draggableItem.addEventListener('dragstart', function(event) {
  event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(customDragImage, 0, 0);

By setting the draggable attribute, handling the dragstart event, specifying drag data, and changing the drag ghost image, you can make elements draggable and control their behavior during the drag operation.

Handling Drop Events

To handle drop events and define drop zones, you need to work with the elements that will accept draggable items. These elements are known as drop targets or dropzone elements. Let's see how to set up drop zones and handle the related events.

Defining Drop Zones

To define an element as a drop zone, you don't need to set any special attributes. Instead, you handle the dragover and drop events on the element. The dragover event fires continuously while a draggable element is being dragged over a drop zone, and the drop event fires when the draggable element is released over the drop zone.

To allow an element to accept drops, you need to cancel the default behavior of the dragover event by calling event.preventDefault(). This is necessary because, by default, elements do not allow dropping.

Example: Defining HTML Drop Zone

<div id="drop-zone">
  Drop items here

Example: JavaScript to Handle Dragover

const dropZone = document.getElementById('drop-zone');

dropZone.addEventListener('dragover', function(event) {

Handling the dragover Event

The dragover event is fired continuously while a draggable element is being dragged over a drop zone. You can use this event to provide visual feedback to the user, indicating that the drop zone is ready to accept the draggable element.

Example: JavaScript for Dragover and Dragleave Events

dropZone.addEventListener('dragover', function(event) {

dropZone.addEventListener('dragleave', function(event) {'drag-over');

In the above example, we add a CSS class drag-over to the drop zone element when the dragover event is fired. This class can be used to visually highlight the drop zone. We also handle the dragleave event to remove the class when the draggable element leaves the drop zone.

Handling the drop Event

The drop event is fired when a draggable element is released over a drop zone. This is where you retrieve the data being dragged and perform any necessary actions.

Example: JavaScript to Handle Drop Event

dropZone.addEventListener('drop', function(event) {
  const draggedData = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain');;'drag-over');

In the drop event listener, we first cancel the default behavior using event.preventDefault(). Then, we retrieve the data that was set during the dragstart event using event.dataTransfer.getData(). In this example, we expect the data to be the ID of the draggable element.

Finally, we append the draggable element to the drop zone using and remove the drag-over class from the drop zone.

Retrieving Drag Data

To retrieve the data being dragged, you use the dataTransfer.getData() method inside the drop event listener. This method takes the data type as an argument and returns the corresponding data that was set during the dragstart event.

Example: JavaScript for Retrieving Drag Data

const draggedData = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain');

In this example, we retrieve the data of type 'text/plain' that was set in the dragstart event using event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain',

By defining drop zones, handling the dragover and drop events, and retrieving the drag data, you can create interactive experiences where users can drop draggable elements onto specific areas of your web page.

Visual Feedback

Providing visual feedback during drag and drop operations is important for creating an intuitive and engaging user experience. Let's see how you can style draggable elements, show valid drop zones, and give visual cues to guide users through the drag and drop process.

Styling Draggable Elements

To make draggable elements stand out and clearly show that they can be interacted with, you can apply CSS styles to them. Here are some common styling techniques:

Example: Styling Draggable Elements

.draggable {
  cursor: move;
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
  border: 2px solid #999;
  padding: 10px;
  margin-bottom: 10px;

.draggable:hover {
  background-color: #e0e0e0;
  border-color: #666;

The .draggable class is applied to draggable elements. The cursor property is set to move to show a move cursor when hovering over the element. The background-color, border, padding, and margin-bottom properties are used to visually separate the draggable elements from other content.

The :hover pseudo-class is used to change the background color and border color when you hover over the draggable element, providing visual feedback that the element is interactive.

Showing Valid Drop Zones

When a draggable element is being dragged, it's helpful to show which drop zones are valid targets for dropping the element. You can do this by applying styles to the drop zones based on the drag state.

Example: Showing Valid Drop Zones

.drop-zone {
  border: 2px dashed #ccc;
  padding: 20px;
  text-align: center;
  color: #999;

.drop-zone.drag-over {
  border-color: #666;
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
  color: #333;

The .drop-zone class defines the basic styles for drop zones. The border property is set to a dashed line to visually separate the drop zone. The padding, text-align, and color properties are used to style the drop zone's appearance.

The .drag-over class is added to the drop zone when a draggable element is being dragged over it. This class changes the border color, background color, and text color to show that the drop zone is a valid target for dropping the element.

Giving Visual Cues During Drag Operations

During the drag operation, you can give additional visual cues to guide you and give feedback on the current state of the drag. Here are a few examples:

Visual Cue Description
Change appearance of draggable element Reduce opacity or apply shadow effect while being dragged
Display preview of draggable element Show a preview near the mouse cursor as it's being dragged
Show placeholder or drop indicator Display a placeholder or drop indicator in the drop zone where the element will be dropped

You can do these visual cues by changing the styles of the draggable element and drop zones dynamically using JavaScript during the drag events.

Example: Giving Visual Cues During Drag Operations

draggableItem.addEventListener('dragstart', function(event) { = '0.5';

draggableItem.addEventListener('dragend', function(event) { = '1';

dropZone.addEventListener('dragover', function(event) {

dropZone.addEventListener('dragleave', function(event) {'drag-over');

The opacity of the draggable element is reduced to 0.5 when the dragstart event is fired, showing that it's being dragged. When the dragend event is fired, the opacity is restored to 1.

The dragover event listener adds the drag-over class to the drop zone when the draggable element is being dragged over it, giving visual feedback that it's a valid drop target. The dragleave event listener removes the class when the draggable element leaves the drop zone.

By applying styles to draggable elements, showing valid drop zones, and giving visual cues during the drag operation, you can create a more intuitive and engaging drag and drop experience for your users.

Advanced Techniques

In this section, we'll look at some advanced techniques and scenarios related to the Drag & Drop API. We'll cover drag and drop operations with images, files, between windows, and with custom elements.

Drag and Drop with Images

You can drag and drop images within a web page or between different applications. To enable image drag and drop, you need to set the draggable attribute on the <img> element:

Example: HTML for Draggable Image

<img src="path/to/image.jpg" alt="Draggable Image" draggable="true">

When you start dragging an image, you can access the image data in the dragstart event using the dataTransfer.setData() method:

Example: JavaScript for Dragging Image

const draggableImage = document.querySelector('img');

draggableImage.addEventListener('dragstart', function(event) {
  event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'copy';

In the example above, we set the image source URL as the drag data and specify the effectAllowed property to indicate that the image can be copied.

To handle dropping an image onto a drop zone, you can get the image URL from the drop event and create a new <img> element:

Example: JavaScript for Dropping Image

dropZone.addEventListener('drop', function(event) {
  const imageUrl = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain');
  const newImage = document.createElement('img');
  newImage.src = imageUrl;;

Drag and Drop with Files

The Drag & Drop API also supports dragging and dropping files from the user's computer onto a web page. To enable file drag and drop, you need to handle the drop event and access the dropped files using the event.dataTransfer.files property.

Example: JavaScript for Dropping Files

dropZone.addEventListener('drop', function(event) {
  const files = event.dataTransfer.files;
  for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
    const file = files[i];
    // Process the dropped file

In the example above, we get the dropped files from the event.dataTransfer.files property, which is a FileList object. You can then loop over the files and process them as needed, such as uploading them to a server or reading their contents.

Drag and Drop Between Windows

The Drag & Drop API lets you do drag and drop operations between different browser windows or tabs. To enable cross-window drag and drop, you need to set the effectAllowed property to 'copy' in the dragstart event and handle the drop event in the target window.

Example: JavaScript for Cross-Window Drag and Drop

// Source window
draggableItem.addEventListener('dragstart', function(event) {
  event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', 'Hello from another window!');
  event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'copy';

// Target window
dropZone.addEventListener('drop', function(event) {
  const data = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain');
  console.log('Received data:', data);

In the source window, we set the data being dragged and specify the effectAllowed as 'copy'. In the target window, we handle the drop event and get the dragged data using event.dataTransfer.getData().

Drag and Drop with Custom Elements

You can create your own custom elements that support drag and drop functionality. To do this, you define a custom element and add event listeners for the drag and drop events.

Example: JavaScript for Custom Draggable Element

class DraggableElement extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    this.draggable = true;
    this.addEventListener('dragstart', this.handleDragStart);

  handleDragStart(event) {
    event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', this.innerHTML);
    event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move';

customElements.define('draggable-element', DraggableElement);

In the example above, we define a custom element called <draggable-element> that extends the HTMLElement class. We set the draggable property to true and add a dragstart event listener. The handleDragStart method sets the data being dragged and specifies the effectAllowed as 'move'.

You can then use the custom element in your HTML:

Example: HTML for Custom Draggable Element

<draggable-element>Drag me!</draggable-element>

By creating custom elements with drag and drop support, you can build reusable components that can be easily integrated into your web applications.

These advanced techniques show the flexibility and power of the Drag & Drop API. Whether you're working with images, files, cross-window drag and drop, or custom elements, you can create interactive and engaging experiences for your users.

Examples and Use Cases

Let's look at some examples and use cases of the Drag & Drop API to show how you can use it in real scenarios.

Reordering List Items

One common use case for the Drag & Drop API is reordering list items. You can let users drag and drop list items to change their order.

Example: Reordering List Items

<ul id="item-list">
  <li draggable="true">Item 1</li>
  <li draggable="true">Item 2</li>
  <li draggable="true">Item 3</li>
  <li draggable="true">Item 4</li>
const list = document.getElementById('item-list');

list.addEventListener('dragstart', function(event) {

list.addEventListener('dragover', function(event) {

list.addEventListener('drop', function(event) {
  const draggedItem = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain');
  const dropTarget =;
  if (dropTarget.tagName === 'LI') {
    dropTarget.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', `<li draggable="true">${draggedItem}</li>`);

We have a <ul> element with <li> elements that have the draggable attribute set to true. We add a dragstart event listener to the list to set the data being dragged. On the dragover event, we call event.preventDefault() to allow dropping. In the drop event listener, we get the dragged data, create a new <li> element with the dragged content, and insert it before the drop target.

Moving Elements Between Containers

Another use case is moving elements between different containers. You might have two lists, and you want to allow users to move items from one list to another.

Example: Moving Elements Between Containers

<div id="container1">
  <p draggable="true">Item 1</p>
  <p draggable="true">Item 2</p>
<div id="container2"></div>
const container1 = document.getElementById('container1');
const container2 = document.getElementById('container2');

container1.addEventListener('dragstart', function(event) {

container2.addEventListener('dragover', function(event) {

container2.addEventListener('drop', function(event) {
  const draggedItem = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain'); += `<p draggable="true">${draggedItem}</p>`;

We have two <div> elements representing the containers. The first container has <p> elements with the draggable attribute set to true. We add a dragstart event listener to the first container to set the data being dragged. The second container has dragover and drop event listeners. On the drop event, we get the dragged data, create a new <p> element, and append it to the second container.

Uploading Files via Drag and Drop

You can use the Drag & Drop API to let users upload files by dragging and dropping them onto a designated area.

Example: Uploading Files via Drag and Drop

<div id="drop-zone">
  Drop files here to upload
const dropZone = document.getElementById('drop-zone');

dropZone.addEventListener('dragover', function(event) {

dropZone.addEventListener('drop', function(event) {
  const files = event.dataTransfer.files;
  for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
    const file = files[i];
    const formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('file', file);
    fetch('/upload', {
      method: 'POST',
      body: formData

We have a <div> element representing the drop zone. We add dragover and drop event listeners to the drop zone. On the drop event, we get the dropped files from event.dataTransfer.files, create a FormData object for each file, and send a POST request to the server to upload the file.

Building Interactive Puzzle Games

The Drag & Drop API can be used to build interactive puzzle games where users drag and drop puzzle pieces to solve the puzzle.

Example: Building Interactive Puzzle Games

<div id="puzzle-container">
  <div class="puzzle-piece" draggable="true"></div>
  <div class="puzzle-piece" draggable="true"></div>
  <div class="puzzle-piece" draggable="true"></div>
  <div class="puzzle-piece" draggable="true"></div>
const puzzleContainer = document.getElementById('puzzle-container');
const puzzlePieces = document.querySelectorAll('.puzzle-piece');

puzzlePieces.forEach(piece => {
  piece.addEventListener('dragstart', function(event) {

puzzleContainer.addEventListener('dragover', function(event) {

puzzleContainer.addEventListener('drop', function(event) {
  const draggedPiece = event.dataTransfer.getData('text/plain');
  const dropTarget =;
  if (dropTarget.classList.contains('puzzle-piece')) {
    const temp = dropTarget.innerHTML;
    dropTarget.innerHTML = draggedPiece;
    event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', temp);

We have a <div> element representing the puzzle container and <div> elements representing the puzzle pieces. Each puzzle piece has the draggable attribute set to true. We add a dragstart event listener to each puzzle piece to set the data being dragged. The puzzle container has dragover and drop event listeners. On the drop event, we get the dragged piece and the drop target and swap their contents.

These examples show some of the possibilities of the Drag & Drop API. You can use it to create interactive experiences, handle file uploads, build games, and more. The API provides a flexible and intuitive way to implement drag and drop functionality in web applications.