HTML - Form Attributes


Common Form Attributes


The action attribute specifies the URL or server-side script that will handle the form submission. When you submit the form, the form data is sent to the specified URL or script for processing. The value of the action attribute can be an absolute or relative URL.

Example: action attribute

<form action="/submit-form.php">
  <!-- form elements -->

When you submit the form, the form data will be sent to the "/submit-form.php" script on the server for processing.


The method attribute defines the HTTP method used for form submission. The two most common values are GET and POST.

Method Description
GET The form data is added to the URL specified in the action attribute as query parameters. This method is good for simple forms with a small amount of data. The form data is visible in the URL and can be bookmarked or shared.
POST The form data is sent in the body of the HTTP request. This method is good for larger forms or when sending sensitive information, as the data is not visible in the URL.

Example: method attribute

<form action="/submit-form.php" method="POST">
  <!-- form elements -->

The form data will be sent using the POST method when you submit the form.


The target attribute specifies where to display the response after form submission. It determines the target window or frame where the server response will be loaded. The possible values are:

Value Description
_blank Opens the response in a new window or tab.
_self Opens the response in the same window or frame as the form (default behavior).
_parent Opens the response in the parent frame of the current frame.
_top Opens the response in the full body of the window, replacing any existing frames.

Example: target attribute

<form action="/submit-form.php" target="_blank">
  <!-- form elements -->

When you submit the form, the server response will be opened in a new window or tab.


The enctype attribute specifies the encoding type for form data when using the POST method. It is used to indicate how the form data should be encoded before sending it to the server. The common values are:

Value Description
application/x-www-form-urlencoded This is the default value. It encodes the form data as URL-encoded key-value pairs. Spaces are replaced with "+" and special characters are encoded.
multipart/form-data This value is used when the form includes file uploads. It allows the form data to be sent as multiple parts, including file data.

Example: enctype attribute

<form action="/submit-form.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <!-- form elements -->

The form data will be encoded using the "multipart/form-data" encoding type, allowing file uploads to be included in the form submission.

Form Validation Attributes


The required attribute shows that a form field must be filled out before the form can be submitted. When you add the required attribute to an input field, the browser will check if the field has a value before allowing the form submission. If the field is empty, the browser will show an error message and stop the form from being submitted.

Example: required attribute

  <label for="name">Name:</label>
  <input type="text" id="name" name="name" required>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

The "Name" field is marked as required. If you try to submit the form without entering a value in the "Name" field, the browser will show an error message and stop the form submission.

min and max

The min and max attributes set the minimum and maximum values for numeric input fields, such as number, range, and date types. These attributes help you set limits on the allowed values for those fields.

Example: min and max attributes

  <label for="quantity">Quantity:</label>
  <input type="number" id="quantity" name="quantity" min="1" max="10">
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

The "Quantity" field has a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 10. If you try to enter a value outside this range, the browser will show an error message when you submit the form.

minlength and maxlength

The minlength and maxlength attributes set the minimum and maximum number of characters allowed in a text input field. These attributes help you control the length of user input.

Example: minlength and maxlength attributes

  <label for="username">Username:</label>
  <input type="text" id="username" name="username" minlength="4" maxlength="10">
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

The "Username" field must have a minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 10 characters. If the entered value does not meet these requirements, the browser will show an error message when you submit the form.


The pattern attribute sets a regular expression pattern that the input value must match. It allows you to set a format or pattern that the user input should follow. If the entered value does not match the pattern, the browser will show an error message.

Example: pattern attribute

  <label for="phone">Phone Number:</label>
  <input type="tel" id="phone" name="phone" pattern="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}">
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

The "Phone Number" field has a pattern that requires the input to be in the format of three digits, followed by a hyphen, three more digits, another hyphen, and four digits (e.g., 123-456-7890). If the entered phone number does not match this pattern, the browser will show an error message when you submit the form.

Accessibility Attributes


The autocomplete attribute shows if a form field should have autocomplete enabled or disabled. Autocomplete suggests possible values based on previously entered values for the same field. By default, autocomplete is enabled for most form fields. However, you can control this behavior using the autocomplete attribute.

The possible values for the autocomplete attribute are:

Value Description
on Enables autocomplete for the form field.
off Disables autocomplete for the form field.

Example: autocomplete attribute

  <label for="username">Username:</label>
  <input type="text" id="username" name="username" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

The "Username" field has autocomplete disabled. The browser will not suggest previously entered values for this field.


The readonly attribute specifies that a form field is read-only and cannot be changed by the user. When you add the readonly attribute to an input field, the user can still see the field's value but cannot change it. The field's value will be sent when the form is submitted.

Example: readonly attribute

  <label for="email">Email:</label>
  <input type="email" id="email" name="email" value="" readonly>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

The "Email" field is marked as read-only. The user cannot change the field's value, but it will be included in the form submission.


The disabled attribute shows that a form field is disabled and cannot be used by the user. When you add the disabled attribute to an input field, the field becomes grayed out and unclickable. The field's value will not be sent when the form is submitted.

Example: disabled attribute

  <label for="country">Country:</label>
  <select id="country" name="country" disabled>
    <option value="US">United States</option>
    <option value="CA">Canada</option>
    <option value="UK">United Kingdom</option>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

The "Country" dropdown is disabled. The user cannot select a value, and the field's value will not be included in the form submission.

Using the readonly and disabled attributes can help improve accessibility by providing visual cues to users about the interactivity of form fields. It's important to use these attributes correctly based on the specific requirements of your form.

Other Form Attributes


The accept-charset attribute specifies the character encodings that the server accepts for form submission. It tells the browser which character encodings the server can handle. By default, the form data is sent using the character encoding of the page containing the form.

Example: Character Encoding in Form

<form action="/submit-form.php" accept-charset="UTF-8">
  <!-- form elements -->

The form data will be sent using the UTF-8 character encoding, as specified by the accept-charset attribute. If the server does not support the specified character encoding, it may not be able to process the form data correctly.

It's important to note that the accept-charset attribute is rarely used these days because most servers are configured to handle the character encoding of the page by default. However, if you need to specify a different character encoding for form submission, you can use this attribute.


The novalidate attribute shows that the form should not be validated when it is submitted. By default, HTML5 forms perform client-side validation before sending the form data to the server. The novalidate attribute bypasses this validation step.

Example: Form Without Client-Side Validation

<form action="/submit-form.php" novalidate>
  <label for="email">Email:</label>
  <input type="email" id="email" name="email">
  <input type="submit" value="Submit">

When you submit the form, the browser will not perform client-side validation on the form fields. The form data will be sent to the server without checking for valid input.

The novalidate attribute is useful in situations where you want to handle form validation on the server-side only, or when you have your own custom validation logic implemented using JavaScript.

Keep in mind that using the novalidate attribute does not mean you should skip form validation altogether. It's still important to perform server-side validation to make sure the submitted data is valid and safe to process. Client-side validation is an extra layer of validation that helps to catch input errors early and save server resources.

By using the accept-charset and novalidate attributes appropriately, you can control the character encoding and validation behavior of your HTML forms to fit your application's needs.