HTML - Geolocation API


Geolocation API Basics

The Geolocation API lets web applications access the user's location data, if the user allows it. It works by using various methods to find out the user's position, such as GPS, Wi-Fi, and cell tower triangulation.

The API has three main methods:

  1. getCurrentPosition(): This method gets the user's current location. It takes a success callback function as a parameter, which is called with a Position object containing the location data.

  2. watchPosition(): This method monitors the user's location over time. It works similarly to getCurrentPosition(), but it keeps calling the success callback function whenever the user's location changes.

  3. clearWatch(): This method stops watching the user's location. It takes a watchID parameter, which is returned by the watchPosition() method.

The Position object returned by the getCurrentPosition() and watchPosition() methods contains a coords property and a timestamp property.

The coords property contains the following properties:

Property Description
latitude The user's latitude in decimal degrees.
longitude The user's longitude in decimal degrees.
altitude The user's altitude in meters above the WGS84 ellipsoid, if available.
accuracy The accuracy of the latitude and longitude coordinates in meters.
altitudeAccuracy The accuracy of the altitude in meters, if available.
heading The user's heading in degrees clockwise from true north, if available.
speed The user's ground speed in meters per second, if available.

The timestamp property is a DOMTimeStamp object that represents the time at which the location was retrieved.

These methods and properties form the core of the Geolocation API, allowing web applications to access and use the user's location data in various ways.

Using Geolocation API

Before using the Geolocation API in a web app, check if the user's browser supports it. This can be done by checking if the navigator.geolocation object exists. If it does, the browser supports the Geolocation API.

Once browser support is confirmed, request the user's permission to access their location data. This is done by calling the getCurrentPosition() or watchPosition() method. When one of these methods is called, the browser will show a dialog box asking the user if they want to allow the web app to access their location.

If the user allows access, the getCurrentPosition() method will return the user's current location as a Position object. This object contains the latitude, longitude, and other location data.

To get the user's location continuously, use the watchPosition() method. This method works like getCurrentPosition(), but it will keep calling the success callback function whenever the user's location changes. This can be useful for apps that need to track the user's location over time, such as a fitness tracking app.

Handle errors that may occur when using the Geolocation API. Errors can occur for various reasons, such as the user denying permission to access their location or the browser being unable to get the location data. Handle errors by passing an error callback function to the getCurrentPosition() or watchPosition() methods.

When using the Geolocation API, follow best practices to design a good user experience:

Best Practice Description
Only request location data when necessary Only request location data when it's needed for the app to work properly.
Provide clear instructions Give clear instructions to the user on how to allow or deny access to their location data.
Display a clear notification Show a clear and unobtrusive notification when the user's location is being tracked.
Allow the user to turn off tracking Let the user easily turn off location tracking if they no longer want to be tracked.
Use location data responsibly Use the location data responsibly and don't share it with third parties without the user's consent.

Example: Check if the browser supports Geolocation API

if ('geolocation' in navigator) {
    console.log('Geolocation is available');
} else {
    console.log('Geolocation is not supported by this browser');

Example: Get current location using Geolocation API

    function(position) {
        console.log('Latitude: ' + position.coords.latitude);
        console.log('Longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude);
    function(error) {
        console.error('Error Code = ' + error.code + ' - ' + error.message);

Example: Watch position using Geolocation API

let watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(
    function(position) {
        console.log('Latitude: ' + position.coords.latitude);
        console.log('Longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude);
    function(error) {
        console.error('Error Code = ' + error.code + ' - ' + error.message);

Example: Clear position watch using Geolocation API


Geolocation API Examples

Here are some examples of how to use the Geolocation API in web applications:

Getting user's location

Get Location Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <p>Click the button to get your location:</p>
    <button onclick="getLocation()">Get Location</button>
    <p id="location"></p>

        function getLocation() {
            if (navigator.geolocation) {
            } else {
                document.getElementById("location").innerHTML = "Geolocation is not supported by this browser.";

        function showPosition(position) {
            document.getElementById("location").innerHTML = "Latitude: " + position.coords.latitude +
            "<br>Longitude: " + position.coords.longitude;

This example shows how to get the user's current location and display it on the page. When the user clicks the "Get Location" button, the getLocation() function is called, which checks if the browser supports geolocation. If it does, it calls the getCurrentPosition() method, passing in the showPosition() function as a callback. The showPosition() function then displays the user's latitude and longitude on the page.

Watching user's position

Watch Position Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <p>Click the button to start watching your location:</p>
    <button onclick="startWatch()">Start Watch</button>
    <button onclick="stopWatch()">Stop Watch</button>
    <p id="location"></p>

        let watchID;

        function startWatch() {
            if (navigator.geolocation) {
                watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(showPosition);
            } else {
                document.getElementById("location").innerHTML = "Geolocation is not supported by this browser.";

        function showPosition(position) {
            document.getElementById("location").innerHTML = "Latitude: " + position.coords.latitude +
            "<br>Longitude: " + position.coords.longitude;

        function stopWatch() {

This example shows how to watch the user's position over time. When the user clicks the "Start Watch" button, the startWatch() function is called, which checks if the browser supports geolocation. If it does, it calls the watchPosition() method, passing in the showPosition() function as a callback. The watchPosition() method returns a watchID, which is stored in a variable.

The showPosition() function is called every time the user's position changes, and it displays the user's latitude and longitude on the page.

To stop watching the user's position, the user can click the "Stop Watch" button, which calls the stopWatch() function. This function calls the clearWatch() method, passing in the watchID to stop watching the user's position.

Displaying user's location on a map

Display on Map Example

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Geolocation API Example</title>
    <script src=""></script>
        function initMap() {
            if (navigator.geolocation) {
            } else {
                alert("Geolocation is not supported by this browser.");

        function showPosition(position) {
            var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
            var mapOptions = {
                center: latLng,
                zoom: 12
            var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions);
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: latLng,
                map: map,
                title: 'Your Location'
<body onload="initMap()">
    <div id="map" style="height: 500px; width: 500px;"></div>

This example shows how to display the user's location on a Google Map. It uses the Google Maps JavaScript API to create a map and add a marker at the user's location.

When the page loads, the initMap() function is called, which checks if the browser supports geolocation. If it does, it calls the getCurrentPosition() method, passing in the showPosition() function as a callback.

The showPosition() function creates a LatLng object with the user's latitude and longitude, and sets the map options to center the map on the user's location with a zoom level of 12. It then creates a new Map object with the specified options and adds a marker at the user's location.

Note: You need to replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual Google Maps API key for this example to work.

Calculating distance between two points

Calculate Distance Example

function calculateDistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
    const R = 6371; // Earth's radius in km
    const dLat = deg2rad(lat2 - lat1);
    const dLon = deg2rad(lon2 - lon1); 
    const a = 
        Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
        Math.cos(deg2rad(lat1)) * Math.cos(deg2rad(lat2)) * 
        Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2); 
    const c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); 
    const d = R * c; // Distance in km
    return d;

function deg2rad(deg) {
    return deg * (Math.PI/180);

To use this function, you can call it with the latitude and longitude of two points, like this:

const lat1 = 51.5074;
const lon1 = -0.1278;
const lat2 = 48.8566;
const lon2 = 2.3522;
const distance = calculateDistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);
console.log(`The distance between (${lat1}, ${lon1}) and (${lat2}, ${lon2}) is ${distance} km.`);

This example shows how to calculate the distance between two points using their latitude and longitude coordinates.

The calculateDistance() function takes the latitude and longitude of two points as parameters. It then calculates the distance between the two points using the Haversine formula, which considers the curvature of the Earth.

The deg2rad() function is a helper function that converts degrees to radians, which is needed for the Haversine formula.

These examples demonstrate some ways you can use the Geolocation API to build location-aware web applications. With the ability to get the user's location, watch their position over time, display their location on a map, and calculate distances between points, you can create a range of apps that use the user's location data.