HTML - Nested Tables


Creating a Nested Table

A nested table is a table within another table. To create a nested table, you start with the basic structure of an HTML table and then add tables within the cells of the main table.

First, create the outer table using the <table> element. Inside the table, define the rows using <tr> elements and the cells using <td> elements. This sets up the main structure of your table.

Outer Table Example

      <!-- Inner table goes here -->

To add an inner table, place another <table> element inside a <td> element of the outer table. This inner table will be nested within the cell of the outer table.

Inner Table Example

          <td>Inner cell 1</td>
          <td>Inner cell 2</td>

When creating the inner table, you can define its structure like any other table. Use <tr> elements to create rows and <td> elements to create cells within the inner table.

You can control the number of rows and columns in the inner table independently of the outer table. The inner table's dimensions are set by the number of <tr> and <td> elements you include within it.

Multiple Levels of Nested Tables Example

                <td>Deep nested cell</td>

You can nest tables multiple levels deep if needed. You can have tables within tables within tables. However, it's best to keep the nesting level low to maintain readability and avoid complex table structures.

When defining the inner tables, consider the purpose and layout needs of your data. Decide the right number of rows and columns needed to present the information clearly and logically within the context of the outer table.

Remember to use proper indentation and formatting when creating nested tables to improve the readability of your code. This makes it easier to understand the structure and hierarchy of the tables.

Formatting Nested Tables

When working with nested tables, you can apply styles and formatting to make them visually appealing and easier to read. Here are some ways to format nested tables:

Applying Styles to Nested Tables

You can use CSS to style nested tables just like you would with regular tables. Apply classes or IDs to the table elements and define the desired styles in your CSS file or within the <style> tag.

Example: Applying Styles to Nested Tables

  .outer-table {
    background-color: #f2f2f2;

  .inner-table {
    background-color: #ffffff;
    border: 1px solid #dddddd;

<table class="outer-table">
      <table class="inner-table">
          <td>Inner cell 1</td>
          <td>Inner cell 2</td>

Controlling Cell Padding and Spacing

To adjust the spacing within the cells of nested tables, you can use the padding and border-spacing CSS properties. The padding property controls the space between the cell content and the cell border, while border-spacing sets the space between adjacent cells.

Example: Controlling Cell Padding and Spacing

  .inner-table {
    padding: 10px;
    border-spacing: 5px;

      <table class="inner-table">
          <td>Inner cell 1</td>
          <td>Inner cell 2</td>

Setting Borders for Inner Tables

You can apply borders to the inner tables to visually separate them from the outer table or to create a specific design. Use the border CSS property to set the border style, width, and color for the inner tables.

Example: Setting Borders for Inner Tables

  .inner-table {
    border: 2px solid #dddddd;

      <table class="inner-table">
          <td>Inner cell 1</td>
          <td>Inner cell 2</td>

Aligning Inner Tables within Cells

By default, inner tables are aligned to the top-left corner of the parent cell. However, you can change the alignment using the vertical-align and text-align CSS properties on the parent <td> element.

Example: Aligning Inner Tables within Cells

  .outer-table td {
    vertical-align: middle;
    text-align: center;

<table class="outer-table">
      <table class="inner-table">
          <td>Inner cell 1</td>
          <td>Inner cell 2</td>

By applying these formatting techniques, you can customize the appearance of nested tables to match your design requirements. Experiment with different styles, padding, borders, and alignment settings to achieve the desired visual outcome for your nested tables.

Accessibility Considerations

When making nested tables, it's important to think about accessibility to make sure your tables can be used by everyone, including people with disabilities. Here are some accessibility things to keep in mind:

Using Proper Table Structure and Hierarchy

Use the right table elements to define the structure and hierarchy of your nested tables. Use <th> elements for header cells and <td> elements for data cells. This helps screen readers and other assistive technologies understand how the cells are related.

Table Structure Example

    <th>Header 1</th>
    <th>Header 2</th>
          <td>Inner cell 1</td>
          <td>Inner cell 2</td>
    <td>Outer cell 2</td>

Giving Alternative Text for Nested Tables

If your nested tables have images or other non-text content, give alternative text using the alt attribute. This allows visually impaired users to understand what's in the table.

Alternative Text Example

          <td><img src="image.jpg" alt="Description of the image"></td>
          <td>Inner cell 2</td>

Making Nested Tables Responsive and Mobile-Friendly

Make sure your nested tables are responsive and work well on different devices and screen sizes. Use CSS media queries to change the table layout and styling based on the viewport width.

Responsive Tables Example

  @media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
    .inner-table {
      width: 100%;

<table class="outer-table">
      <table class="inner-table">
          <td>Inner cell 1</td>
          <td>Inner cell 2</td>

Think about using techniques like collapsible tables or giving alternative views for small screens to make your nested tables more mobile-friendly. This can help users navigate and interact with the tables easily on different devices.

By following these accessibility guidelines, you can make your nested tables more inclusive and user-friendly for a wider audience. Remember to test your tables with assistive technologies and on various devices to make sure they are accessible and work as intended.

Examples and Use Cases

Nested tables can be used in various situations to present complex data or create visually appealing layouts. Here are some practical examples and real-life scenarios where nested tables can be useful.

Use Case Description
Calendar or Schedule Use an outer table to represent the calendar structure, with each cell as a day or time slot. Inside each cell, nest another table to display specific events or appointments for that particular day or time.
Product Comparison Chart Use the outer table to list the products being compared, and nest inner tables within each cell to highlight the features or specifications of each product.
Dashboard or Report Divide the main content area into different sections using the outer table, and use inner tables to arrange the content within each section.

Calendar Example

Calendar Example

          <td>9:00 AM</td>
          <td>1:00 PM</td>
          <td>10:00 AM</td>
          <td>2:00 PM</td>
          <td>Conference Call</td>

Product Comparison Example

Product Comparison Example

    <th>Product A</th>
    <th>Product B</th>
          <td>Feature 1</td>
          <td>Feature 2</td>
          <td>Feature 1</td>
          <td>Feature 2</td>

Dashboard Example

Dashboard Example

          <td>Section 1</td>
          <td>Content goes here</td>
          <td>Section 2</td>
          <td>Content goes here</td>
    <td colspan="2">
          <td>Section 3</td>
          <td>Content goes here</td>

These are just a few examples of how you can apply nested tables in practical situations. You can be creative with how you structure and present your data using nested tables.

When working with nested tables, provide code snippets or live demos to help you understand how to implement them. Use online code editors or create interactive examples that allow you to see the nested tables in action and experiment with different configurations.

Keep the code clean, well-formatted, and properly indented to make it easy for others to understand and follow. Providing clear and concise explanations along with the examples will help you grasp the concept of nested tables and apply them in your own projects.