Bootstrap - Album Demo


Bootstrap Album Demo

In this tutorial, we will look at the Bootstrap Album Demo, a sample project that shows how to create an album or gallery-style web page using Bootstrap. The Album Demo is a good starting point for learning how to work with Bootstrap's grid system, components, and styling classes. We will go through the process of building the header, creating the album grid, adding the footer, and customizing the demo to suit your needs. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a functional and visually appealing album page that you can use as a template for your own projects or as a reference for learning Bootstrap's key features.

Album Grid

The album grid is the main content of the page and displays a collection of album cards. Each card represents an album and contains an image, a title, and a description. The grid is created using Bootstrap's grid system, which divides the page into rows and columns. The .row class is used to create a row, and the .col-* classes are used to define the width of each column.

Example: Album Grid HTML code

<div class="album py-5 bg-light">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-4">
        <div class="card mb-4 box-shadow">
          <img class="card-img-top" src="album-image.jpg" alt="Album Image">
          <div class="card-body">
            <p class="card-text">Album description goes here.</p>
      <!-- More album cards -->


You can customize the Album Demo to match your project's needs.

Tip: Ways to modify the demo

  • Change the color scheme by modifying the CSS variables or using Bootstrap's color classes.
  • Add more album cards to the grid by duplicating the existing card structure.
  • Update the content, such as the headings, descriptions, and images, to reflect your own albums or products.
  • Modify the layout by adjusting the grid classes or using different Bootstrap components.

Building the Header

To build the header for the Bootstrap Album Demo, create the header container. The header has two main parts: the navigation bar and the jumbotron. Place the navigation bar inside a <header> element and create it using the <nav> element with the .navbar class. This class styles the navigation bar. Add the .navbar-expand-lg class to make the navigation bar responsive and collapse on smaller screens. To give the navigation bar a dark background color, apply the .bg-dark class.

Inside the navigation bar, add the album title or logo and any needed navigation links. Place these links inside a <ul> element with the .navbar-nav class to create a horizontal menu.

Next, create the jumbotron section, which is a big header for the Album Demo. Create the jumbotron using a <section> element with the .jumbotron class. This class makes a large, padded area with a different background color. Add the .text-center class to center the content inside the jumbotron.

Inside the jumbotron, add a container using the .container class to provide spacing and alignment. Inside the container, add the album title using an <h1> element with the .jumbotron-heading class. This class styles the heading. Add a description or tagline using a <p> element with the .lead class, which makes the text a bit larger and lighter.


<section class="jumbotron text-center">
  <div class="container">
    <h1 class="jumbotron-heading">Album Title</h1>
    <p class="lead">Album description or tagline</p>

To improve the header, include call-to-action buttons within the jumbotron. Create these buttons using <a> elements with the .btn class and classes like .btn-primary or .btn-secondary to style them as primary or secondary buttons.


<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary my-2">Primary action</a>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-secondary my-2">Secondary action</a>

By using Bootstrap classes on the header elements, you can style the header and make it look good.

Remember to add the Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript files in your project to make sure the header components have the right styling and work correctly.

With these steps, you can create a professional header for your Bootstrap Album Demo, with a navigation bar, album title, description, and call-to-action buttons.

Creating the Album Grid

The album grid is the main part of the Bootstrap Album Demo. It shows a set of album cards in a grid layout. To make the album grid, start by setting up the grid layout using Bootstrap's grid system.

Create a <div> element with the classes .album and .py-5 to give it padding on the top and bottom. Also add the .bg-light class to give it a light background color. Inside this <div>, add another <div> with the .container class to center the content.

Inside the container, create a <div> with the .row class. This will be a row in the grid system. Inside the row, add <div> elements with the .col-md-4 class for each album card. The .col-md-4 class makes the cards take up 4 columns (1/3) of the row on medium-sized screens and up.

Example: HTML structure for album grid

<div class="album py-5 bg-light">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-4">
        <!-- Album card goes here -->
      <div class="col-md-4">
        <!-- Album card goes here -->
      <div class="col-md-4">
        <!-- Album card goes here -->

Next, add the album cards inside each .col-md-4 div. To create a card, use a <div> with the .card class. Add the .mb-4 class to give the card some bottom margin and the .box-shadow class to give it a subtle box shadow effect.

Inside the card <div>, add an <img> element with the .card-img-top class to display the album image. Set the src attribute to the path of your image file and add an alt attribute for accessibility.

Below the image, add another <div> with the .card-body class. This will be the card's content area. Inside this div, add a <p> element with the .card-text class to display the album description or any other relevant information.

Example: HTML structure for album card

<div class="card mb-4 box-shadow">
  <img class="card-img-top" src="path/to/image.jpg" alt="Album Image">
  <div class="card-body">
    <p class="card-text">Album description goes here.</p>

To customize the card content and styling, you can change the text within the .card-text element and add other elements as needed. You can also apply custom CSS classes or styles to the card elements to change their look.

Accessibility tip

Use meaningful alt text for the album images to improve accessibility for users with screen readers.

Repeat the process of adding .col-md-4 divs with album cards inside the .row div to create multiple rows of cards. You can adjust the number of cards per row by changing the column class (e.g., .col-md-6 for 2 cards per row on medium screens).

With these steps, you will have a responsive album grid that shows your album cards in a visually appealing layout. The grid will automatically adjust based on the screen size, providing a good user experience across devices.

Customizing the Album Demo

To customize the Bootstrap Album Demo and make it match your project's style and requirements, you can change the colors, typography, and appearance of the demo. Bootstrap provides default styles, but you can override them with custom CSS.

One way to change the colors of the Album Demo is by changing the CSS variables. Bootstrap uses CSS variables to define colors, spacing, and other properties. You can find these variables in the _variables.scss file if you're using the Sass version of Bootstrap, or in the :root selector in the compiled CSS file. By changing the values of these variables, you can update the colors used in the demo.


:root {
  --primary: #ff0000; /* Change to your desired color */

Similarly, you can modify other color variables like --secondary, --success, --info, --warning, and --danger to match your color scheme.

You can also customize the typography of the Album Demo. Bootstrap uses the --font-family-base variable to set the default font family for the demo. You can change this variable to use a different font:


:root {
  --font-family-base: 'Custom Font', sans-serif;

Make sure to include the necessary font files or link to a web font in your project.

If you want to make more specific changes to the Album Demo's styles, you can add custom CSS rules. Create a separate CSS file or add a <style> block in your HTML file and target the desired elements using CSS selectors.


.card {
  background-color: #f5f5f5;
  padding: 20px;

You can also add custom CSS classes to the elements in your HTML file and style them accordingly. This allows you to apply styles to individual elements or groups of elements.

In addition to modifying the visual aspects of the Album Demo, you can extend its functionality using JavaScript. Bootstrap provides JavaScript plugins that you can use to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to your demo.

To use a JavaScript plugin, include the necessary JavaScript files in your project and initialize the plugin according to its documentation.


<script src="path/to/fancybox.js"></script>
  $(document).ready(function() {

You can also write your own custom JavaScript code to add specific functionality to the Album Demo. For example, you could implement a search feature that filters the album cards based on user input or create a sorting mechanism to arrange the cards in a specific order.

When customizing the Album Demo, keep in mind the consistency and usability of the demo. Make sure your changes improve the user experience and align with your project's goals.

By modifying colors, typography, adding custom CSS styles, and extending functionality with JavaScript, you can adjust the Bootstrap Album Demo to fit your project's requirements and create a personalized user experience.

Deploying the Album Demo

To share your Bootstrap Album Demo with the world, you need to deploy it to a web server. This involves preparing your files, uploading them to a server, and testing the deployed demo to make sure it works properly.

Prepare your files for deployment. Make sure all the necessary files, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and images, are organized in a clear and logical structure. Double-check that the file paths in your HTML and CSS files are correct and point to the right locations.


Organize your files into separate folders, such as "css" for stylesheets, "js" for JavaScript files, and "img" for images, to keep your project structure clean and maintainable.

Choose a web server or hosting provider to deploy your Album Demo. There are many options available, such as shared hosting, virtual private servers (VPS), or cloud hosting platforms like GitHub Pages or Netlify. Select a hosting provider that meets your needs and budget.

Upload your files to the server using an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client or the hosting provider's web-based file manager. Make sure to upload all the necessary files and folders to the correct directory on the server.


If you are using a shared hosting provider, upload your files to the "public_html" or "www" directory. If you are using GitHub Pages, create a new repository and push your files to the main branch.

After uploading your files, test the deployed demo to make sure everything works as expected. Open a web browser and visit the URL where your Album Demo is hosted. Check that all the pages load correctly, the images are displayed properly, and the links and buttons function as intended.