Bootstrap - Reboot


Key Features

Bootstrap Reboot offers several features that make it a valuable tool for web developers. One of its main advantages is providing consistent styling across browsers. Reboot handles the differences in default styles across various browsers, so elements appear the same regardless of the user's browser choice. This saves developers time and effort in manually adjusting styles for different browsers.

Another important feature of Bootstrap Reboot is its ability to normalize default element styles. It sets a consistent baseline for common HTML elements like headings, paragraphs, lists, and form controls. By applying sensible default styles, Reboot eliminates the need to reset these styles manually in your CSS. This normalization creates a more predictable and unified starting point for your project.

Bootstrap Reboot also provides a solid foundation for applying custom styles. It includes basic typography settings, such as font family and size, which can be easily customized to match your project's design. Reboot also resets margins and padding on elements, giving you a clean slate to work with. This foundation allows you to build your styles on top of Reboot without worrying about conflicting or inconsistent default styles.

Resetting Default Styles

Bootstrap Reboot resets default styles for a consistent starting point across browsers. One key aspect is the margin and padding reset. Reboot removes default margins and padding from elements like <body>, headings, paragraphs, and lists. This eliminates unwanted spacing and gives you full control over page layout.

Another important reset is setting box-sizing: border-box for all elements. By default, box-sizing: content-box means an element's width and height only include its content, excluding padding and border. With Reboot, border-box is applied globally, so an element's dimensions include content, padding, and border. This simplifies layout calculations and creates consistent designs.

Reboot also handles font family and size normalization. It sets a default font family and base font size for <body>, which is inherited by other elements. This ensures consistent typography. Reboot uses a default font stack with system fonts, making it easy to achieve a native look across devices and platforms.

By resetting margins, padding, box-sizing, and normalizing fonts, Bootstrap Reboot provides a clean, consistent foundation for building web pages. These resets eliminate inconsistencies and let you focus on styling content without unexpected default styles interfering with your design.

Customizing Reboot

Bootstrap Reboot is built with Sass, which lets you change the look and feel of Reboot by changing variables. Reboot has a set of predefined variables that control different parts of the styles, such as colors, fonts, and spacing. You can change these variables in your Sass files to match your project's needs.

Example: Change the font-family-base variable


Example: Customize Reboot variables

// Customize Reboot variables
$font-family-base: 'Custom Font', sans-serif;
$body-bg: #f5f5f5;
$body-color: #333;

In addition to changing variables, you can also add your own custom CSS to build on top of Reboot's styles. Reboot gives you a clean starting point, but you may want to add more styles to match your project's design.

For instance, you can add custom CSS to change the look of specific elements like headings, buttons, or form controls. You can also add utility classes or custom components that work well with Reboot's default styles.

Example: Custom styles building on Reboot

// Custom styles building on Reboot
h1 {
  font-size: 2.5rem;
  margin-bottom: 1rem;

.btn {
  padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
  border-radius: 4px;

By changing Reboot variables and adding custom CSS, you can easily change Reboot to fit your project's unique design and requirements. This flexibility makes Reboot a powerful tool for starting new projects or updating existing ones with a modern, consistent foundation.

Using Reboot with Bootstrap

Bootstrap Reboot is a part of the Bootstrap framework, providing a foundation for building responsive and consistent web pages. When you include Bootstrap in your project, Reboot styles are automatically applied, making sure of a consistent baseline across different browsers and devices.

To add Reboot into a Bootstrap project, you need to include the Bootstrap CSS file in your HTML document. This can be done by linking to a hosted version of Bootstrap or by including the compiled CSS file in your project's directory. Once the Bootstrap CSS is included, Reboot styles will be applied to your HTML elements.

Example: Including Bootstrap CSS in HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <!-- Your content here -->

Reboot normalizes default browser styles and provides a consistent starting point for building responsive layouts. It works with other Bootstrap components and classes, making sure that your web pages look and function consistently across different devices and screen sizes.

When you use Bootstrap's predefined classes and components, such as the grid system, typography classes, or form controls, they are built on top of Reboot's foundation. This means that you can use Bootstrap's features while benefiting from Reboot's consistent and reliable base styles.

For example, when you use Bootstrap's grid system to create responsive layouts, Reboot makes sure that the spacing and alignment of elements remain consistent across different browsers. Similarly, when you apply Bootstrap's typography classes to your content, Reboot's default font styles and sizes provide a cohesive and readable experience.

By using Reboot within the Bootstrap framework, you can make your development process easier and create web pages that look great and work well on a wide range of devices. Reboot's integration with Bootstrap makes it easier to build responsive and visually appealing websites without worrying about cross-browser inconsistencies or conflicting default styles.

Reboot vs. CSS Reset

Bootstrap Reboot and CSS resets have similar purposes, but there are differences between them. CSS resets, such as Eric Meyer's Reset CSS or Normalize.css, remove inconsistencies across browsers by resetting or normalizing default styles. They remove all default margins, padding, and other styles, providing a blank slate for developers.

Bootstrap Reboot takes a different approach. Instead of removing all default styles, Reboot keeps some useful defaults and applies base styles.

Example of Base Styles in Reboot

body {
  font-size: 1rem;
  line-height: 1.5;
  box-sizing: border-box;

One advantage of using Bootstrap Reboot over CSS resets is its integration with the Bootstrap framework. Reboot works with other Bootstrap components and classes, providing a consistent design system. By using Reboot, you can use Bootstrap's pre-built components and utilities, saving time and effort in development.

Example of Bootstrap Component

<div class="btn btn-primary">Button</div>

Another benefit of Reboot is its focus on providing a solid foundation for custom styles. Reboot includes basic typography settings, such as font family and size, which can be customized to match your project's design. It also resets margins and padding on common elements, giving you a clean slate to build upon.

Example: Reboot Typography Settings

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
  margin-top: 0;
  margin-bottom: 0.5rem;

Reboot also considers modern web development practices and browser capabilities. It includes fixes for common browser bugs and inconsistencies, making sure that your web pages look and function consistently across different browsers and devices. CSS resets may not always address these issues, leaving it up to developers to handle them manually.

Example: Fix for Browser Inconsistencies

img {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;
  border-style: none;

While CSS resets can be useful in certain situations, Bootstrap Reboot provides a more complete solution. It balances resetting styles and keeping useful defaults, making it easier to build upon and integrate with the Bootstrap framework. By using Reboot, you can benefit from a consistent foundation, modern best practices, and integration with Bootstrap's components and utilities.