Bootstrap - Dropdowns


Creating Popovers

To create popovers in Bootstrap, you can use HTML attributes and JavaScript. The basic structure for creating a popover involves adding the data-toggle="popover" attribute to an element, such as a button or a link.

Example: Creating a popover using data attributes

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-toggle="popover" title="Popover Title" data-content="This is the popover content.">
  Click me to toggle popover

The data-toggle="popover" attribute is added to the button element to indicate that it should trigger a popover. The title attribute specifies the title of the popover, and the data-content attribute specifies the content of the popover.

You can also initialize popovers using JavaScript.

Example: Initializing popover using JavaScript

$(document).ready(function() {

This JavaScript code selects all elements with the data-toggle="popover" attribute and initializes the popover functionality using the popover() method.

Popover Content

You can specify the content of popovers using the data-content attribute or JavaScript options.

Example: Specifying popover content using data-content attribute

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-toggle="popover" data-content="This is the popover content.">
  Popover with content

You can also use JavaScript to set the content dynamically.

Example: Setting popover content dynamically using JavaScript

  content: 'This is the popover content set via JavaScript.'

In addition to the content, you can customize the title of popovers using the title attribute or JavaScript options.

Example: Specifying popover title using title attribute

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-toggle="popover" title="Popover Title" data-content="This is the popover content.">
  Popover with title

To set the title dynamically using JavaScript, you can use the title option.

Example: Setting popover title dynamically using JavaScript

  title: 'Popover Title',
  content: 'This is the popover content.'

Popover Placement

Bootstrap provides options to position popovers relative to the triggering element. You can use the data-placement attribute or JavaScript options to specify the placement of popovers.

The available placement options are:

Placement Description
top Display the popover above the element.
right Display the popover to the right of the element.
bottom Display the popover below the element.
left Display the popover to the left of the element.

Example: Specifying popover placement using data-placement attribute

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="top" title="Popover Title" data-content="This is the popover content.">
  Popover on top

You can also set the placement using JavaScript options.

Example: Setting popover placement using JavaScript options

  placement: 'right',
  title: 'Popover Title',
  content: 'This is the popover content.'

By default, if no placement is specified, the popover will be displayed on the right side of the element.

Triggering Popovers

Bootstrap provides different ways to trigger popovers, allowing you to control when and how they appear. You can specify the trigger method using the data-trigger attribute or JavaScript options.

The available trigger options are:

Trigger Description
click The popover is triggered when the element is clicked. This is the default trigger.
hover The popover is triggered when the mouse hovers over the element.
focus The popover is triggered when the element receives focus, such as when clicked or tabbed to.
manual The popover is triggered manually using JavaScript methods.

Example: HTML Button Triggering Popover

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="hover" title="Popover Title" data-content="This popover is triggered on hover.">
  Hover to trigger popover

You can also set the trigger method using JavaScript options.

Example: JavaScript Triggering Popover

  trigger: 'focus',
  title: 'Popover Title',
  content: 'This popover is triggered on focus.'

Popover Events

Bootstrap provides several events that you can use to perform actions or customize the behavior of popovers. The main popover events are:

Event Description This event fires immediately when the show instance method is called. This event is fired when the popover has been made visible to the user. This event is fired immediately when the hide instance method has been called. This event is fired when the popover has finished being hidden from the user.

You can use these events to perform actions or customize the behavior of popovers.

Example: JavaScript Popover Events

$('.popover-example').on('', function() {
  console.log('Popover is about to be shown');

$('.popover-example').on('', function() {
  console.log('Popover is fully shown');

$('.popover-example').on('', function() {
  console.log('Popover is about to be hidden');

$('.popover-example').on('', function() {
  console.log('Popover is fully hidden');

You can use these events to perform any custom actions or modifications based on the state of the popover.

Styling Popovers

Bootstrap has default styles for popovers, but you can change their look using CSS. By changing the popover styles, you can make a unique look that fits your application's design.

To change the styles of popovers, you can use the built-in CSS classes from Bootstrap or use your own custom styles.

Bootstrap has the following CSS classes for styling popovers:

Class Description
.popover Styles the popover container.
.popover-header Styles the header of the popover.
.popover-body Styles the body content of the popover.
.arrow Styles the arrow showing the popover's position.

You can use these classes in your CSS to change how popovers look.

Example: Popover CSS Styling

.popover {
  background-color: #f5f5f5;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  border-radius: 4px;

.popover-header {
  background-color: #e9ecef;
  color: #333;
  font-weight: bold;

.popover-body {
  color: #555;

The .popover class is used to set the background color and border of the popover container. The .popover-header class styles the header with a different background color, text color, and font weight. The .popover-body class sets the color of the popover's content.

You can also use your own CSS classes and apply them to the popover elements.

Example: Custom Popover

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary custom-popover" data-toggle="popover" title="Custom Popover" data-content="This is a custom styled popover.">
  Custom Popover
.custom-popover .popover {
  background-color: #f8f9fa;
  border-color: #dee2e6;

.custom-popover .popover-header {
  background-color: #007bff;
  color: #fff;

The custom-popover class is added to the button element. The corresponding CSS styles target the .custom-popover class to apply custom styles to the popover container and header.

Popover Animation

Bootstrap has animations for popovers. By default, popovers fade in and out when they are shown or hidden.

You can change the animation of popovers using CSS transitions or animations. Bootstrap has the .fade class, which can be added to the popover element to enable the fade animation.

Example: Animated Popover

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-toggle="popover" data-animation="true" title="Animated Popover" data-content="This popover has a fade animation.">
  Animated Popover

The data-animation="true" attribute is added to the button element to enable the fade animation for the popover.

If you want to turn off the animation, you can set the data-animation attribute to false or use the animation option in JavaScript.

Example: Non-animated Popover

  animation: false,
  title: 'Non-animated Popover',
  content: 'This popover has no animation.'

The animation option is set to false to turn off the animation for the popover.

You can further change the animation by making your own CSS animations and using them on the popover element.

By using CSS styles and animations, you can make visually appealing and interactive popovers that improve the user experience of your Bootstrap application.

Popover Options

Bootstrap gives options that let you change the behavior and appearance of popovers. You can set these options using data attributes on the HTML element or pass them as an object when starting popovers with JavaScript.

Here are some often used popover options:

Option Type Default Description
animation boolean true Applies a CSS fade transition to the popover.
container string false Adds the popover to a specific element.
delay number 0 Delay showing and hiding the popover (ms).
html boolean false Inserts HTML into the popover.
placement string 'right' How to position the popover: auto, top, bottom, left, right.
selector string false If a selector is provided, popover objects will be delegated to the specified targets.
template string '' Base HTML to use when creating the popover.
title string '' Default title value if title attribute isn't present.
trigger string 'click' How popover is triggered: click, hover, focus, manual.

You can set these options using data attributes on the HTML element.

Example of setting options using data attributes

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="top" data-trigger="hover" data-delay="500" data-content="This is a popover with options set using data attributes.">
  Popover with options

You can also pass the options as an object when starting popovers using JavaScript.

Example of setting options using JavaScript

  placement: 'bottom',
  trigger: 'focus',
  title: 'Popover Title',
  content: 'This is a popover with options set using JavaScript.'

Popover Methods

Bootstrap gives several methods that let you control popovers with code. You can call these methods on the popover element using JavaScript.

Here are the available popover methods:

Method Description
show Shows an element's popover.
hide Hides an element's popover.
toggle Toggles an element's popover.
dispose Hides and removes an element's popover.

You can call these methods on the popover element to control its behavior with code.

Example of using popover methods

// Show popover

// Hide popover

// Toggle popover

// Dispose popover

By using these methods, you can have full control over the behavior of popovers and show, hide, toggle, or remove them based on specific conditions or user interactions.