Bootstrap - Color & background


Bootstrap Color Classes

Bootstrap has color classes that you can use to style the text and background of your web page elements. These classes are pre-defined and ready to use, making it easy to apply colors throughout your project.

Text Color Classes

Bootstrap has text color classes that you can apply to any text element, such as <p>, <span>, or <h1> to <h6>. Here are the text color classes:

Class Description
text-primary Applies the primary color to the text.
text-secondary Applies the secondary color to the text.
text-success Applies a green color to the text.
text-danger Applies a red color to the text.
text-warning Applies a yellow color to the text.
text-info Applies a blue color to the text.
text-light Applies a light gray color to the text.
text-dark Applies a dark gray color to the text.
text-muted Applies a muted gray color to the text.
text-white Applies a white color to the text.
text-black-50 Applies a 50% opacity black color to the text.
text-white-50 Applies a 50% opacity white color to the text.

To use these text color classes, add the class name to the text element.

Text Color Example

<p class="text-primary">This is a primary text color.</p>
<p class="text-success">This text indicates success.</p>
<p class="text-muted">This is a muted text color.</p>

Background Color Classes

Bootstrap also has classes for setting the background color of elements. These classes can be applied to elements such as <div>, <section>, or <button>. Here are the background color classes:

Class Description
bg-primary Applies the primary background color.
bg-secondary Applies the secondary background color.
bg-success Applies a green background color.
bg-danger Applies a red background color.
bg-warning Applies a yellow background color.
bg-info Applies a blue background color.
bg-light Applies a light gray background color.
bg-dark Applies a dark gray background color.
bg-white Applies a white background color.
bg-transparent Applies a transparent background color.

To apply a background color class, add the class name to the element.

Background Color Example

<div class="bg-primary">This div has a primary background color.</div>
<button class="btn bg-success">Success Button</button>
<section class="bg-light">This section has a light background color.</section>

By using these text and background color classes, you can apply colors to your web page elements, making your design look good.

Bootstrap Background Classes

Bootstrap provides classes for creating gradient backgrounds and applying background images to elements.

Background Gradient

Bootstrap has a class called bg-gradient that you can apply to an element to create a linear gradient background. The gradient starts with a semi-transparent white overlay and fades to the bottom.

To use the background gradient class, add bg-gradient to the element along with a background color class.

Background Gradient Example

<div class="bg-primary bg-gradient">
  This div has a primary background color with a gradient effect.
<section class="bg-success bg-gradient text-white">
  This section has a success background color with a gradient and white text.

The bg-gradient class creates a subtle gradient effect that can add depth and visual interest to your backgrounds.

Background Image

You can also set a background image for an element using inline CSS.

To set a background image, use the background-image property in the style attribute of the element.

Background Image Example

<div style="background-image: url('path/to/image.jpg');">
  This div has a background image.

You can control the size and position of the background image using additional CSS properties. For example:

Property Description
background-size Sets the size of the background image. You can use values like cover, contain, or specific dimensions.
background-position Sets the starting position of the background image. You can use values like top, bottom, left, right, center, or specific coordinates.

Example: Background Image with Additional Styles

<div style="background-image: url('path/to/image.jpg'); background-size: cover; background-position: center;">
  This div has a background image that covers the entire element and is centered.

By setting a background image and controlling its size and position, you can create visually appealing backgrounds for your elements.

Customizing Bootstrap Colors

While Bootstrap has default colors, you can customize these colors to match your project's design. There are several ways to override and create custom colors in Bootstrap.

Overriding Default Bootstrap Colors

Bootstrap uses CSS variables to define its default colors. You can override these variables by redefining them in your own CSS file or within a <style> tag in your HTML.

:root {
  --bs-primary: #your-custom-color;

Replace #your-custom-color with the desired color value. This will override Bootstrap's default primary color throughout your project.

Creating Custom Color Classes

In addition to overriding default colors, you can create your own custom color classes. This is useful when you need colors beyond the default set provided by Bootstrap.

To create a custom color class, define a new class name and set the desired color values using CSS variables or custom properties.

.text-custom {
  color: #your-custom-color;

.bg-custom {
  background-color: #your-custom-color;

You can then apply these custom color classes to your HTML elements just like you would with Bootstrap's default color classes.

Custom Color Class Example

<p class="text-custom">This text uses a custom color.</p>
<div class="bg-custom">This div has a custom background color.</div>

Using Sass Variables to Customize Colors

If you are using Sass in your project, you can use Sass variables to customize Bootstrap's colors more easily.

Bootstrap has a set of Sass variables for its colors, which you can override in your own Sass file.

$primary: #your-custom-color;
$secondary: #your-custom-secondary-color;
// Override other color variables as needed

@import "bootstrap";

By overriding the Sass variables before importing Bootstrap, you can change the colors throughout your project without having to modify Bootstrap's source files.

Using Sass variables provides a centralized way to manage and customize Bootstrap's colors, making it easier to maintain a consistent color scheme across your project.