Bootstrap - Gutters


Introduction to Gutters

In web design, gutters are the empty spaces between elements on a page, such as the spacing between columns, images, or text blocks. Gutters create a visually appealing and readable layout by providing space and separating content. They guide the user's eye and make the design look organized and uncluttered.

Gutters are important for several reasons:

Reason Explanation
Readability They prevent content from feeling cramped or overwhelming. By adding space between elements, gutters make it easier for users to focus on individual pieces of content without distraction.
Balance and Harmony Gutters contribute to a balanced and harmonious layout. They create visual breaks and help establish a clear hierarchy of information.
Visual Interest Gutters can be used to create visual interest and guide the user's attention to specific areas of the page.

In responsive web design, gutters are even more important as they help maintain a consistent and usable layout across different screen sizes. By adjusting gutter sizes based on the device's viewport, designers can make sure that content remains readable and well-spaced on various devices, from desktop computers to mobile phones.

Overall, gutters are a fundamental aspect of web design that should not be overlooked. They contribute to the overall aesthetics, usability, and readability of a website, making them an essential consideration in any web design project.

Gutters in Bootstrap

Bootstrap, a CSS framework, has support for gutters. By default, Bootstrap uses a 12-column grid system, and the gutters are the spaces between these columns. The framework provides a consistent and responsive approach to handling gutters across different screen sizes.

In Bootstrap, the default gutter size is 1.5rem (24px) on each side of a column. This means that there is a total of 3rem (48px) of space between two adjacent columns. These default values are designed to provide a balanced and visually appealing layout out of the box.

Configuring Gutters

While the default gutter sizes in Bootstrap work well for many projects, there may be situations where you need to change the gutter sizes to fit your specific design requirements. Bootstrap provides classes that allow you to adjust the gutter sizes.

To change the gutter sizes, you can use the gx-* and gy-* classes, where * represents the size of the gutter. For example, gx-3 sets the horizontal gutter size to 1rem (16px), while gy-5 sets the vertical gutter size to 3rem (48px). These classes can be applied to the row or container elements to affect the gutter sizes of the child columns.

In addition to using the provided classes, you can also set custom gutter sizes using CSS. By targeting the appropriate elements and overriding the default styles, you have full control over the gutter sizes in your Bootstrap layout. For example:

Example: Custom Gutter Sizes

.row {
  --bs-gutter-x: 2rem;
  --bs-gutter-y: 1.5rem;

In the above code snippet, the horizontal gutter size is set to 2rem (32px), and the vertical gutter size is set to 1.5rem (24px). This allows you to adjust the gutter sizes based on your design needs.

Gutters and Grid System

Gutters are important in Bootstrap's grid system. The grid system has rows and columns, and gutters are the spaces between the columns. Gutters separate columns, making the layout easier to read and understand.

In Bootstrap, the grid system has a 12-column layout. By default, the columns have equal widths, and the gutters between them are consistent. This creates a balanced and organized look for the content on the page.

The size of the gutters can change the spacing and alignment of the columns. Larger gutters will create more space between columns, while smaller gutters will make columns closer together. The choice of gutter size depends on the design and the amount of content.

You should consider the relationship between gutters and the grid system when creating a layout in Bootstrap. The gutter size should be chosen to match the column widths to keep a good-looking design.

Responsive Gutters

In responsive web design, you need to adjust the gutter sizes for different screen sizes. What looks good on a desktop screen might not work well on a smaller mobile device. Bootstrap provides responsive utility classes that make it easy to change the gutter sizes based on the viewport width.

Bootstrap's responsive gutter classes let you set different gutter sizes for different breakpoints. For example, you can have larger gutters on desktop screens and smaller gutters on mobile devices. This helps to make the best use of available space and improve readability on smaller screens.

To adjust the gutter sizes responsively, you can use classes like gx-sm-*, gx-md-*, gx-lg-*, and gx-xl-*, where * represents the size of the gutter for each breakpoint. For example, gx-sm-2 sets the horizontal gutter size to 0.5rem (8px) on small screens, while gx-lg-4 sets the gutter size to 1.5rem (24px) on large screens.

Example: Responsive Gutter Classes in HTML

<div class="row gx-sm-2 gx-lg-4">
  <div class="col">
    <!-- Column content -->
  <div class="col">
    <!-- Column content -->

By using Bootstrap's responsive gutter classes, you can create layouts that look great on any screen size. This helps to provide a good user experience and make your website accessible to more people.

Gutters in Practice

When using gutters in Bootstrap layouts, you should think about how they affect the design and user experience. Here are some examples and tips for using gutters in web design:

Example: Consistent Gutters

<div class="container">
  <div class="row gx-4">
    <div class="col">
      <div class="card">
        <!-- Card content -->
    <div class="col">
      <div class="card">
        <!-- Card content -->

The gx-4 class sets a horizontal gutter size of 1.5rem (24px) between the columns. This creates a uniform space between the cards, making the layout clean and organized.


When using gutters, try to be consistent in your design. Consistent gutter sizes help create a cohesive look, making the layout easier to use and understand.

Another way to use gutters is to create visual hierarchy and emphasis:

Example: Varying Gutter Sizes

<div class="container">
  <div class="row gx-4 gy-5">
    <div class="col-md-8">
      <div class="card">
        <!-- Main content -->
    <div class="col-md-4">
      <div class="card">
        <!-- Sidebar content -->

The gx-4 class sets the horizontal gutter size to 1.5rem (24px), while the gy-5 class sets the vertical gutter size to 3rem (48px). The larger vertical gutter size separates the main content from the sidebar, creating a clear visual distinction and emphasis.

Common Gutter Techniques

When working with gutters in Bootstrap, there are a few common techniques to keep in mind:

Technique Description
Consistent gutter sizes Use the same gutter sizes throughout your layout to maintain consistency and create a harmonious design. Consistent gutters help guide the user's eye and make the content easier to follow.
Varying gutter sizes While consistency is important, you can also use different gutter sizes to create visual hierarchy and draw attention to specific sections of your layout. Larger gutters can help separate and emphasize important content, while smaller gutters can group related elements together.


Try different gutter sizes to find the right balance between consistency and visual interest. Don't be afraid to change the gutter sizes based on the needs of your design and content.

By using gutters thoughtfully in your Bootstrap layouts, you can create designs that are visually appealing, easy to use, and enjoyable for users to interact with.