Bootstrap - Starter template Demo


Customizing the Template

You can customize Bootstrap starter templates to fit your needs. Here's how to modify elements of the template to create a unique website.

Modifying the Navigation Bar

The navigation bar is an important part of any website. To customize the navigation bar:

  1. Change the brand logo and text by replacing the default logo image with your own and updating the text to reflect your brand name.

  2. Add or remove navigation items based on your website's structure. You can create new list items within the <ul> element and link them to the right pages.

  3. Style the navigation bar by changing the CSS classes applied to the <nav> element and its child elements. You can change colors, fonts, padding, and other properties to match your design.

Tip: Styling the navigation bar

Use CSS to style the navigation bar elements to match your brand and create an appealing visual design.

Updating the Hero Section

The hero section is often the first thing visitors see when they land on your website. To update the hero section:

  1. Replace the placeholder content with your own headline, subtitle, and description that clearly says your website's purpose and value.

  2. Change the background image or color to suit your brand's visual style.

Example: Replacing the hero background image

<section class="hero" style="background-image: url('path/to/your/image.jpg');">
  <!-- Hero content -->
  1. Customize the call-to-action (CTA) button by changing its text, color, and link destination. Make sure the CTA is easy to see and encourages visitors to take the desired action.

Editing the Feature Sections

The starter template usually includes several feature sections that highlight your product or service's key benefits. To edit these sections:

  1. Change the feature titles and descriptions to accurately reflect your offerings. Use clear and simple language to say the value of each feature.

  2. Replace the default feature icons with ones that better represent your services. You can use icon libraries like Font Awesome or create custom icons that align with your brand.

Example: Using Font Awesome icons

<i class="fas fa-icon-name"></i>
  1. Adjust the layout and spacing of the feature sections to create a visually appealing design. Use Bootstrap's grid system and spacing classes to control the positioning and spacing of elements.

Adding Custom Content

You can add your own custom content to personalize and extend the functionality of Bootstrap starter templates. Here's how to create new sections, integrate custom styles, and keep your website responsive.

Creating New Sections or Components

To add new sections or components to your Bootstrap website:

  1. Create a new HTML element, such as a <section> or <div>, and give it a descriptive class name.

  2. Inside the new element, add the HTML structure for your content, such as headings, paragraphs, images, or other components.

  3. Use Bootstrap's grid system and pre-built components to structure and style your new section. Use classes like row, col-*, and component-specific classes to create a consistent layout.

Custom Section Example

<section class="custom-section">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-6">
        <h2>Custom Section Heading</h2>
        <p>Custom section content goes here.</p>
      <div class="col-md-6">
        <img src="path/to/image.jpg" alt="Custom section image">

Integrating Custom CSS Styles

To add your own custom CSS to customize the look and feel of your website:

  1. Create a new CSS file or add custom styles to the existing CSS file linked to your HTML document.

  2. Target specific elements using CSS selectors and apply your styles. Override Bootstrap's default styles by using more specific selectors or by adding !important to your style declarations.

Custom CSS Example

.custom-section {
  background-color: #f8f9fa;
  padding: 50px 0;

.custom-section h2 {
  color: #333;
  font-size: 28px;
  margin-bottom: 20px;
  1. Test your custom styles across different devices and screen sizes to make sure they work well with Bootstrap's responsive classes.

Ensuring Responsiveness and Compatibility

When adding custom content to your Bootstrap website, make sure it stays responsive and compatible with different devices and browsers:

  1. Use Bootstrap's responsive classes, such as col-* and d-*, to create flexible layouts that adapt to different screen sizes.

  2. Test your website on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones, to make sure your custom content looks and functions as expected.

  3. Use browser developer tools to debug any layout or compatibility issues. Use the responsive view mode to simulate different screen sizes and identify problems.

  4. Make sure your custom styles and scripts are compatible with the latest version of Bootstrap and don't conflict with its built-in styles or functionalities.

Optimizing Performance

Optimizing your website's performance is important for providing a good user experience and improving search engine rankings. Here are some ways to optimize the performance of your Bootstrap starter template:

Minifying CSS and JavaScript Files

Minification is the process of removing unnecessary characters, such as whitespace and comments, from your CSS and JavaScript files. This reduces the file size and speeds up the loading time of your website. To minify your files:

  1. Use online tools or plugins like CSS Minifier or UglifyJS to minify your CSS and JavaScript files.
  2. Replace the original files in your project with the minified versions.
  3. Update the file references in your HTML document to point to the minified files.

Example: Minified CSS file reference

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/styles.min.css">

Optimizing Images for Faster Loading

Images are often the largest files on a web page and can slow down your website's loading time. To optimize images:

  1. Compress your images using tools like TinyPNG or Squoosh to reduce their file size without lowering quality.
  2. Use the right image format for your needs. JPEG is best for photographs, while PNG is better for graphics with fewer colors.
  3. Specify the width and height attributes for your images in the HTML to help the browser allocate the right amount of space and avoid layout shifts.

Example: Image with width and height attributes

<img src="path/to/image.jpg" alt="Description" width="500" height="300">

Implementing Lazy Loading for Better Performance

Lazy loading is a technique that defers the loading of non-critical resources, such as images or videos, until they are needed. This improves the initial loading speed of your website. To implement lazy loading:

  1. Use the loading="lazy" attribute on your <img> elements to enable lazy loading for images.
  2. For other resources, such as videos or iframes, use JavaScript libraries like lazysizes to lazy load them.
  3. Test your website's performance with lazy loading enabled to make sure it improves the loading speed without breaking any functionality.

Example: Lazy loaded image

<img src="path/to/image.jpg" alt="Description" loading="lazy">

Deploying the Template

After you customize your Bootstrap starter template and improve its performance, you can deploy it to a web server and make it available to your audience.

Preparing the Files for Deployment

Before uploading your template to a web server, prepare your files for deployment:

  1. Organize your project files into a clear structure. Separate your HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files into different folders to keep your project organized.

  2. Remove unnecessary files, such as old versions or backup files, to keep your project clean and reduce the upload size.


- index.html
- css/
  - styles.min.css
- js/
  - scripts.min.js
- img/
  - logo.png
  - hero-background.jpg
  1. Test your website locally one last time to make sure everything works as expected and there are no broken links or missing files.

Uploading the Template to a Web Server

To make your website available to others, upload your files to a web server:

  1. Choose a web hosting service that fits your needs and budget. Some popular options include AWS, DigitalOcean, and GoDaddy.

  2. Use an FTP client, such as FileZilla or Cyberduck, to connect to your web server and upload your project files.

  3. Upload your files to the public directory of your web server, which is usually named "public_html" or "www".

  4. Double-check that all your files were uploaded successfully and the file structure is correct.

Testing the Deployed Template Across Devices

After deploying your template, test it on various devices and browsers to make sure it works well for all your users:

  1. Open your website on different devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones, to test its responsiveness and layout.

  2. Test your website on different browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, to make sure it looks and functions consistently.

  3. Use tools like Google Analytics or Hotjar to track your website's performance and user behavior. Find any issues or areas for improvement based on the data.

  4. Make any necessary changes or improvements based on your testing and analysis to keep your website running smoothly and providing a good user experience.