Bootstrap - Overflow


Understanding the Overflow Property

The CSS overflow property controls what happens when the content of an element is bigger than its specified size. It decides if the overflowing content should be visible, hidden, or available through scrollbars. Bootstrap provides classes that make it easy to manage overflow behavior in your web pages.

The overflow property can have these values:

Value Description
visible Default value. When an element's content overflows its boundaries, it stays visible and goes beyond the element's box. The overflowing content is not clipped and may overlap with other elements on the page.
hidden When set to hidden, any content that is bigger than the element's size is clipped and hidden from view. No scrollbars are provided, and the overflowing content cannot be accessed by the user.
scroll Setting the overflow property to scroll makes scrollbars appear on the element, both horizontally and vertically, even if the content does not overflow. This allows users to scroll through the content even if it fits within the element's size.
auto The auto value is similar to scroll, but scrollbars only appear when the content overflows the element's boundaries. If the content fits within the element, no scrollbars are shown.

By default, Bootstrap sets the overflow behavior of elements to visible. This means that if the content of an element is bigger than its specified width or height, it will spill out of the element's box and may disrupt the page layout.

To control overflow and create a cleaner layout, Bootstrap provides classes that can be easily applied to elements. These classes allow you to specify the desired overflow behavior without writing custom CSS code.

Controlling Overflow with Bootstrap Classes

Bootstrap has classes that let you control the overflow behavior of elements. These classes are:

Class Description
.overflow-auto Sets the overflow property to auto. Adds scrollbars only when the content overflows the element's boundaries. If the content fits within the element, no scrollbars are shown.
.overflow-hidden Sets the overflow property to hidden. Any content that exceeds the element's size is clipped and hidden from view. No scrollbars are provided, and the overflowing content cannot be accessed by the user.
.overflow-visible Sets the overflow property to visible, which is the default behavior. When an element's content overflows its boundaries, it stays visible and goes beyond the element's box. The overflowing content is not clipped and may overlap with other elements on the page.
.overflow-scroll Sets the overflow property to scroll. Makes scrollbars appear on the element, both horizontally and vertically, even if the content does not overflow. This allows users to scroll through the content even if it fits within the element's size.


<div class="overflow-auto">
  <!-- Content goes here -->

Bootstrap also has responsive overflow classes that let you control overflow behavior based on the screen size. These classes follow the format .overflow-{breakpoint}-{value}, where {breakpoint} is one of Bootstrap's responsive breakpoints (sm, md, lg, xl, or xxl) and {value} is one of the overflow values (auto, hidden, visible, or scroll).


<div class="overflow-hidden overflow-md-auto">
  <!-- Content goes here -->

This way, you can adapt the overflow behavior to different screen sizes and create responsive layouts that handle content overflow well.

Overflow and Scrollable Containers

When working with content that may overflow its container, you can use Bootstrap to create scrollable containers. This is useful when you have a fixed-height container with content that exceeds its dimensions.

To create a scrollable container, apply the .overflow-auto class to the container element. This class sets the overflow property to auto, which adds scrollbars only when the content overflows the container's boundaries. If the content fits within the container, no scrollbars are shown.

Example: Scrollable Container

<div class="container overflow-auto" style="height: 200px;">
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin at velit vel sapien bibendum eleifend. Sed euismod, sapien sit amet bibendum malesuada, velit velit malesuada sapien, vel bibendum sapien velit vel sapien.</p>
  <p>Nulla facilisi. Fusce auctor enim vel nunc tincidunt, in dapibus elit dapibus. Sed auctor, magna vel bibendum dictum, augue augue tincidunt nibh, eget bibendum augue velit vel magna.</p>

You can customize the appearance of the scrollbars to match your website's design. Bootstrap doesn't provide built-in classes for styling scrollbars, but you can use CSS to change their appearance.

Example: Custom Scrollbar Styling

.custom-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar {
  width: 8px;

.custom-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
  background: #f1f1f1;

.custom-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
  background: #888;
  border-radius: 4px;

.custom-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
  background: #555;

To add scroll shadows or indicators to your scrollable containers, you can use CSS gradients and pseudo-elements. Scroll shadows give a visual cue that there is more content available to scroll, while scroll indicators show the current scroll position.

Example: Scroll Shadows

.scrollable-container {
  position: relative;

.scrollable-container::after {
  content: '';
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  height: 20px;
  pointer-events: none;

.scrollable-container::before {
  top: 0;
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);

.scrollable-container::after {
  bottom: 0;
  background: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 100%);

Overflow and Responsive Design

When creating responsive websites, it's important to consider how content overflow is handled on different screen sizes. What looks good on a desktop may not work well on a smaller mobile device. Bootstrap provides a combination of overflow classes and responsive classes to help you manage overflow across various screen sizes.

To handle overflow on different screen sizes, you can use Bootstrap's responsive overflow classes. These classes follow the format .overflow-{breakpoint}-{value}, where {breakpoint} is one of Bootstrap's responsive breakpoints (sm, md, lg, xl, or xxl) and {value} is one of the overflow values (auto, hidden, visible, or scroll).

Example: Responsive Overflow

<div class="overflow-hidden overflow-md-auto">
  <!-- Content goes here -->

You can combine overflow classes with other responsive classes to create flexible layouts that adapt to different screen sizes. For instance, you can use the responsive grid classes to create a row with columns that have different overflow behaviors based on the screen size:

Example: Responsive Grid with Overflow

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-sm-6 overflow-sm-hidden overflow-md-auto">
    <!-- Content for column 1 -->
  <div class="col-sm-6 overflow-sm-scroll overflow-md-auto">
    <!-- Content for column 2 -->